Joji Tsunada,男,畢業於日本北海道大學-動物醫學院,現任北京腦科學與類腦研究中心研究員,主要研究方向為“以狨猴為模型研究聽覺系統和語言交流的行為和神經環路機制。”
- 外文名:Joji Tsunada
- 畢業院校:北海道大學
2008.4-2008.8 日本東京都會神經科學研究所-心理學系,博士後
(導師:Masataka Watanabe)
2008.9-2009.3 美國達特茅斯學院-認知神經科學中心-心理與腦科學系,博士後
(導師:Yale E. Cohen)
2009.4-2015.6 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院-耳鼻喉科:頭頸外科-助理研究員
(導師:Yale E. Cohen)
2015.7-2019.2 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院-耳鼻喉科:頭頸外科-助理研究員
(導師:Steven J. Eliades)
2019.3-2020.2 日本岩手大學-動物醫學院-研究助理教授
2019.3- 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院-耳鼻喉科:頭頸外科-訪問科學家
2020.3- 中國北京腦科學與類腦研究中心-PI
Research reports
1. Tsunada J., and Eliades S.J.* (2020) Dissociation of unit activity and gamma oscillations during vocalization in primate auditory cortex. Journal of Neuroscience
2. Tsunada J., Cohen Y.E.*, and Gold J.I. (2019) Post-decision processing in primate prefrontal cortex influences subsequent choices on an auditory decision-making task.eLIFE8(e46770)
3. Eliades S.J.* and Tsunada J. (2018) Auditory cortical activity drives feedback-dependent vocal control in marmosets. Nature Communications9:2540
[selected as an F1000Prime paper by Dr. Alan Palmer and Dr. Christian John Sumner]
4. Tsunada J., Liu A.S., Gold J.I., and Cohen Y.E.* (2016) Causal contribution of primate auditory cortex to auditory perceptual decision-making. Nature Neuroscience 19(1):135-142
[selected as an F1000Prime paper by Dr. Andrew King]
5. Johnston J.M., Cohen Y.E., Shirley H., Tsunada J., Bennur S., Christison-Lagay K., and Veeder C.L.* (2016) Recent Refinements to Cranial Implants in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta). Lab Animal 45(5):180-186
6. Liu A.S., Tsunada J., Gold J.I., and Cohen Y.E.* (2015) Temporal integration of auditory information is invariant to temporal grouping cues. eNeuro 2(2)
Lee J.H.*, Tsunada J., and Cohen Y.E. (2013) A model of the differential representation of signal novelty in the local field potentials and spiking activity of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Neural computation 25(1):157-85.
7. Tsunada J.*, Lee J.H., and Cohen Y.E. (2012) Differential representation of auditory categories between cell classes in primate auditory cortex. Journal of Physiology 509(13):3129-39.
8. Tsunada J.*, and Sawaguchi T. (2012) Neuronal categorization and discrimination of social behaviors in primate prefrontal cortex. Plos One e52610.
9. Tsunada J.*, Baker A.E., Christison-Lagay K.L., Davis S.J., and Cohen Y.E. (2011) Modulation of cross-frequency coupling by novel and repeated stimuli in the primate ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Psychology 2:217.
10. Tsunada J., Lee J.H., and Cohen Y.E.* (2011) Representation of speech categories in the primate auditory cortex.Journal of Neurophysiology105(6):2634-46.
[Commentary by Steinschneider M. (2011) Unlocking the role of the superior temporal gyrus for speech sound categorization Journal of Neurophysiology 105(6):2631-3.]
1. Cohen Y.E.*, Bennur S., Christison-Lagay K., Gifford A.M., and Tsunada J. (2016) Functional Organization of the Ventral Auditory Pathway.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology894:381-8.
2. Tsunada J.*, and Cohen Y.E. (2014) Neural mechanisms of auditory categorization: from across brain areas to within local microcircuits.Frontiers in Neuroscience8:161.
3. Bennur S.†, Tsunada J.†, Cohen Y.E., and Liu R.C.* (2013) Understanding the neurophysiological basis of auditory abilities for social communication: A perspective on the value of ethological paradigms. Hearing Research 305:3-9.
4. Cohen Y.E.*, Lee J.H., Tsunada J., and Russ B.E. (2009) Auditory categories in the non-human primate. Handbook of Mammalian Vocalization.
*Corresponding author
† Equal contribution