Johnson Plays

Johnson Plays

《Johnson Plays》是1993年11月Consortium Book Sales & Dist出版地圖書。


  • 中文名:Johnson Plays
  • 作者: Johnson, Terry
  • 出版社:Consortium Book Sales & Dist
  • 出版時間:1993年11月
  • ISBN:9780413682000
"Terry Johnson is that rare creature: a moralist with wit. He writes with responsible gaiety" (Guardian) Insignificance: "at first glance it looks like a game of theatrical consequences. What if four icons of Ike's America - Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, Joe DiMaggio and Senator McCarthy - met in a New York hotel room in 1953?...A piece that works on just about every level: the intellectual, the emotional, the of the landmark plays of the decade" (Guardian); Unsuitable for Adults "Set in the world of pub entertainment in Paddington - lunchtimes of striptease, evenings of the more violent kind of comic's a very funny play and very clever" (Sunday Times); Cries from the Mammal House: "Set in a small English private zoo and also in the bowels of anyone who has ever had to take responsibility for others...Freewheeling tough, lyrical and thrillingly unpredictable" (Sunday Times)


