John Sey...

John Sey...

John Sey...,男,中國科學院大學專職教師。


  • 畢業院校:英國劍橋大學
  • 學位/學歷: 博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 英文名:John Sey...



1980-10--1983-02 英國劍橋大學 博士
1977-09--1980-06 英國威爾斯大學 碩士


2018-11~2023-10,中國科學院華南植物園, 教授
2000-11~現在, 英國萊斯特大學, 教授
1990-06~2000-09,英國John Innes Center, 首席科學家
1986-10~1990-05,英國農業研究理事會植物學科學研究所, 科學家
2012-01-01-今,Chromosome Research, 榮譽主編
2009-01-01-2011-12-31,生物細胞遺傳學會, 主席
2007-12-31-今,Annals of Botany主編, 主編
2005-01-01-今,全球芭蕉基因組聯盟, 管理委員會成員
2003-12-31-今,歐洲細胞遺傳學會, 副主席
2000-01-01-今,聯合國糧食與農業組織IAEA/FAO, 常任專家顧問


1. 普通栽培燕麥基因組多樣性和演化。設計c. 3 Mbp的合成寡核苷酸探針庫,鑑定六倍體普通栽培燕麥染色體,A、D、C基因組間異位。
2. 多倍體作物基因組互作與機制研究。研究對象蕓薹屬(Brassica) 二倍體和四倍體作物物種,採用染色質免疫共沉澱(ChIP)、生物信息學與顯微鏡技術,探討多倍體中基因控制如何發生的,及如何控制表達和染色質修飾。
3. 系統發育和多樣性研究。研究對象選擇芭蕉目芭蕉屬(Musa)、姜目凹唇姜屬(Boesenbergia)、象腿蕉屬(Ensete)、姜屬(Zingiber)和Stelitzia屬,探討染色體、基因組演化和植物多樣性問題。
4. 基因組分析工具開發。關注兩個層次問題:在轉座子和衛星DNA水平的重複序列差異,挖掘物種水平基因組結構和序列變化;開發新的分析工具,擬解決二歧分支假說為基礎的電腦程式缺陷,為多倍體物種譜系關係和雜種基因組起源提供證據。



Full list please browser
  • 357. Yemataw Z, Borrell JS, Biswas MK, White O, Mengesha W, Muzemil S, Jaypal N. Darbar JN, Ondo I, Heslop Harrison JS, Blomme G, Wilkin P. 2020. The distribution of enset pests and pathogens and a genomic survey of enset Xanthomonas wilt. bioRxiv preprint. (open access). doi: 10.1101/2020.06.18.144261 Posted 18 June, 2020.
  • 356. Liu Q, Li X, Li M, Xu W, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison JS. 2020. Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of Avena: insights into evolutionary dynamics and phylogeny. BMC Plant Biology 20: 406 (open access). doi: 10.1186/s12870-020-02621-y
  • 355. Liu Q, Li X, Li M, Xu W, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison JS. 2020. Micronutrient composition and microbial community analysis across diverse landraces of the Ethiopian orphan crop enset. Food Research International 2020: 109636. doi: 10.1242/jcs.243667
  • TS. Sepsi A, Schwarzacher T. 2020. Chromosome-nuclear envelope tethering - a process that orchestrates homologue pairing during plant meiosis? Journal of Cell Science 133(15) : . doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109636
  • 354. Autrup H, Barile FA, Berry C, Blaauboer BJ, Boobis A, Bolt H, Borgert CJ, Dekant W, Dietrich D, Domingo JL, Gori GB, Greim H, Hengstler J, Kacew S, Marquardt H, Pelkonen O, Savolainen K, Heslop-Harrison P, Vermeulen NP. 2020. Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable endocrine activity. How to evaluate the risk of the S-EDCs? Computational Toxicology 14: 100124. doi:10.1016/j.comtox.2020.100124. ALSO published as "Guest Editorial" Archives of Toxicology. Archiv für Toxikologie 94(7): 2549-2557. doi: 10.1007/s00204-020-02800-8 AND J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2020 Jul 17;83(13-14):485-494. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2020.1756592. Epub 2020 Jun 18 AND Chem Biol Interact. 2020 Aug 1;326:109099. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2020.109099. Epub 2020 May 1. PMID: 32370863 AND Toxicol Lett. 2020 Oct 1;331:259-264. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.04.008. Epub 2020 Apr 30 AND Toxicol In Vitro. 2020 Sep;67:104861. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2020.104861. Epub 2020 Apr 30.


(1) 衣索比亞孤兒作物不同地方品種的微量元素組成和微生物群落分析, Micronutrient composition and microbial community analysis across diverse landraces of the Ethiopian orphan crop enset, Food Research International, 2020, 第 7 作者
(2) 人類對合成內分泌干擾化學品(S-EDCs), Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable endocrine activity. How to evaluate the risk of the S-EDCs, Computational Toxicology, 2020, 其他(合作組作者)
(3) 牛科衛星DNA進化歷史及其對Bovidae家族的影響, Bovine satellite DNAs–a history of the evolution of complexity and its impact in the Bovidae family, European Zoological Journal, 2019, 第 4 作者
(4) 牛科著絲粒衛星DNA家族的分化及功能, Conservation, divergence and functions of centromeric satellite DNA families in the Bovidae, Genome Biology and Evolution, 2019, 第 4 作者
(5) 燕麥屬重複序列結構特徵, The repetitive DNA landscape in Avena (Poaceae): chromosome and genome evolution defined by major repeat classes in whole-genome sequence reads, BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 通訊作者
(6) 衣索比亞亞麻籽生物多樣性, Biodiversity in Ethiopian linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.): molecular characterization of landraces and some wild species, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2018, 第 2 作者
(7) 蛋白質和DNA序列的同時可視化提供胞核減數分裂證據, ImmunoFISH: simultaneous visualisation of proteins and DNA sequences gives insight into meiotic processes in nuclei of grasses, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 第 4 作者
(8) 蛋白質和DNA序列模擬可視化提供胞核減數分裂證據, ImmunoFISH: simultaneous visualisation of proteins and DNA sequences gives insight into meiotic processes in nuclei of grasses, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 第 4 作者
(9) 多年生黑麥草遺傳圖譜, An immortalized genetic mapping population for perennial ryegrass: a resource for phenotyping and complex trait mapping, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 第 4 作者
(10) 衣索比亞亞麻籽生物多樣性, Biodiversity in Ethiopian linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.): molecular characterization of landraces and some wild species, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2018, 第 2 作者
(11) Kurdistani羊全線粒體基因組序列, Complete mitogenomes from Kurdistani sheep: abundant centromeric nuclear copies representing diverse ancestors, Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2018, 第 3 作者
(12) 六倍體小麥花粉減數分裂過程CENH3蛋白與著絲粒形態建成動力學過程, CENH3 morphogenesis reveals dynamic centromere associations during synaptonemal complex formation and the progression through male meiosis in hexaploid wheat, Plant Journal, 2017, 第 3 作者
(13) 芭蕉屬基因組反轉錄轉座子結構多樣性, The landscape and structural diversity of LTR retrotransposons in Musa genomes, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2017, 通訊作者
(14) 芸薹屬基因組重複序列LINE元件結構特徵研究, Identification and characterization of mobile genetic elements LINEs from Brassica genomes, Gene, 2017, 第 5 作者
(15) 多倍體種間雜交模式及多樣性, Polyploidy and interspecific hybridisation: partners for adaptation, speciation and evolution in plants, Annals of Botany, 2017, 第 4 作者
(16) 鯰魚基因組重複序列研究, Repetitive DNA in the catfish genome: rDNA, microsatellites, and Tc1-mariner transposon sequences in Imparfinis species (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae), Journal of Heredity, 2017, 第 4 作者
(17) 歐盟安全條例-勿使偽科學合法化, EU safety regulations: Don’t mar legislation with pseudoscience, Nature, 2016, 第 4 作者
(18) 織物比較基因組結構-從序列到遺傳標記, Comparative genome organization in plants: from sequence and markers to chromatin and chromosomes, Plant Cell, 2000, 第 1 作者


(1) 原位雜交實驗, Practical in situ Hybridization, BIOS Scientific Publishers, 2000-07, 第 2 作者


( 1 ) 華南植物園海外知名學者項目, 主持, 市地級, 2018-05--2023-08


(1)Biodiversity and Superdomestication 生物多樣性日國際會議 2021-05-22
(2)Consequences of repetitive DNA organization and evolution in diploid and polyploid crops 第七屆亞太染色體國際會議 Pat Heslop Harrison 2020-11-25
(3)Chromosome and Genome Evolution in Plants and Animals 布拉格染色體研究國際會議 2018-09-01
(4)Molecular cytogenetics and genomics of Brassica 俄羅斯細胞遺傳學家協會會議 2018-08-01
(5)Building partnerships for development, several locations 與哥倫比亞夥伴關係簡歷與發展 2018-06-13
(6)香港浸會大學基金項目評審員 香港浸會大學基金項目評審 2018-04-25
(7)Mendel Seminar 孟德爾研討會 2018-04-10

