Java 面向對象程式設計(英文版·第3版)

Java 面向對象程式設計(英文版·第3版)

《Java 面向對象程式設計(英文版·第3版)》是2008年4月人民郵電出版社出版的圖書,作者是[英]David J. Barnes、Michael Klling。


  • 中文名:Java 面向對象程式設計(英文版·第3版)
  • 作者:[英]David J. Barnes、Michael Klling
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年4月
  • 頁數:480 頁
  • 定價:59 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787115175151




Part 1 Foundations of object orientation 1
Chapter 1 Objects and classes 3
1.1 Objects and classes 3
1.2 Creating objects 4
1.3 Calling methods 5
1.4 Parameters 6
1.5 Data types 7
1.6 Multiple instances 8
1.7 State 8
1.8 What is in an object? 9
1.9 Object interaction 10
1.10 Source code 11
1.11 Another example 13
1.12 Return values 13
1.13 Objects as parameters 13
1.14 Summary 15
Chapter 2 Understanding class definitions 17
2.1 Ticket machines 17
2.1.1 Exploring the behavior of a na晇e ticket machine 18
2.2 Examining a class definition 19
2.3 Fields, constructors, and methods 21
2.3.1 Fields 23
2.3.2 Constructors 25
2.4 Passing data via parameters 26
2.5 Assignment 27
2.6 Accessor methods 28
2.7 Mutator methods 31
2.8 Printing from methods 32
2.9 Summary of the na?ve ticket machine 34
2.10 Reflecting on the design of the ticket machine 35
2.11 Making choices: the conditional statement 36
2.12 A further conditional-statement example 39
2.13 Local variables 41
2.14 Fields, parameters, and local variables 42
2.15 Summary of the better ticket machine 43
2.16 Self-review exercises 43
2.17 Reviewing a familiar example 45
2.18 Summary 48
Chapter 3 Object interaction 52
3.1 The clock example 52
3.2 Abstraction and modularization 53
3.3 Abstraction in software 54
3.4 Modularization in the clock example 54
3.5 Implementing the clock display 55
3.6 Class diagrams versus object diagrams 56
3.7 Primitive types and object types 58
3.8 The ClockDisplay source code 59
3.8.1 Class NumberDisplay 59
3.8.2 String concatenation 61
3.8.3 The modulo operator 62
3.8.4 Class ClockDisplay 63
3.9 Objects creating objects 66
3.10 Multiple constructors 67
3.11 Method calls 68
3.11.1 Internal method calls 68
3.11.2 External method calls 69
3.11.3 Summary of the clock display 70
3.12 Another example of object interaction 70
3.12.1 The mail system example 71
3.12.2 The this key word 72
3.13 Using a debugger 74
3.13.1 Setting breakpoints 74
3.13.2 Single stepping 76
3.13.3 Stepping into methods 77
3.14 Method calling revisited 78
3.15 Summary 78
Chapter 4 Grouping objects 81
4.1 Grouping objects in flexible-size collections 81
4.2 A personal notebook 82
4.3 A first look at library classes 82
4.3.1 An example of using a library 83
4.4 Object structures with collections 84
4.5 Generic classes 86
4.6 Numbering within collections 87
4.7 Removing an item from a collection 88
4.8 Processing a whole collection 89
4.8.1 The for-each loop 90
4.8.2 The while loop 92
4.8.3 Iterating over a collection 95
4.8.4 Index access versus iterators 96
4.9 Summary of the notebook example 97
4.10 Another example: an auction system 98
4.10.1 The Lot class 98
4.10.2 The Auction class 99
4.10.3 Anonymous objects 102
4.10.4 Using collections 103
4.11 Flexible collection summary 105
4.12 Fixed-size collections 105
4.12.1 A log-file analyzer 106
4.12.2 Declaring array variables 108
4.12.3 Creating array objects 109
4.12.4 Using array objects 110
4.12.5 Analyzing the log file 111
4.12.6 The for loop 111
4.13 Summary 116
Chapter 5 More sophisticated behavior 119
5.1 Documentation for library classes 120
5.2 The TechSupport system 120
5.2.1 Exploring the TechSupport system 121
5.2.2 Reading the code 122
5.3 Reading class documentation 126
5.3.1 Interfaces versus implementation 127
5.3.2 Using library-class methods 128
5.3.3 Checking string equality 130
5.4 Adding random behavior 131
5.4.1 The Random class 131
5.4.2 Random numbers with limited range 132
5.4.3 Generating random responses 133
5.4.4 Reading documentation for parameterized classes 135?
5.5 Packages and import 136
5.6 Using maps for associations 137
5.6.1 The concept of a map 138
5.6.2 Using a HashMap 138
5.6.3 Using a map for the TechSupport system 139
5.7 Using sets 141
5.8 Dividing strings 142
5.9 Finishing the TechSupport system 144
5.10 Writing class documentation 146
5.10.1 Using javadoc in BlueJ 146
5.10.2 Elements of class documentation 146
5.11 Public versus private 148
5.11.1 Information hiding 149
5.11.2 Private methods and public fields 149
5.12 Learning about classes from their interfaces 150
5.13 Class variables and constants 153
5.13.1 The static key word 153
5.13.2 Constants 154
5.14 Summary 155
Chapter 6 Well-behaved objects 158
6.1 Introduction 158
6.2 Testing and debugging 159
6.3 Unit testing within BlueJ 159
6.3.1 Using inspectors 164
6.3.2 Positive versus negative testing 165
6.4 Test automation 166
6.4.1 Regression testing 166
6.4.2 Automated checking of test results 169
6.4.3 Recording a test 171
6.4.4 Fixtures 173
6.5 Modularization and interfaces 174
6.6 A debugging scenario 176
6.7 Commenting and style 177
6.8 Manual walkthroughs 178
6.8.1 A high-level walkthrough 178
6.8.2 Checking state with a walkthrough 180
6.8.3 Verbal walkthroughs 182
6.9 Print statements 183
6.9.1 Turning debugging information on or off 185
6.10 Choosing a test strategy 186
6.11 Debuggers 187
6.12 Putting the techniques into practice 187
6.13 Summary 188
Chapter 7 Designing classes 189
7.1 Introduction 190
7.2 The world-of-zuul game example 191
7.3 Introduction to coupling and cohesion 193
7.4 Code duplication 194
7.5 Making extensions 197
7.5.1 The task 197
7.5.2 Finding the relevant source code 198
7.6 Coupling 199
7.6.1 Using encapsulation to reduce coupling 200
7.7 Responsibility-driven design 204
7.7.1 Responsibilities and coupling 204
7.8 Localizing change 206
7.9 Implicit coupling 207
7.10 Thinking ahead 210
7.11 Cohesion 211
7.11.1 Cohesion of methods 211
7.11.2 Cohesion of classes 212
7.11.3 Cohesion for readability 213
7.11.4 Cohesion for reuse 213
7.12 Refactoring 214
7.12.1 Refactoring and testing 215
7.12.2 An example of refactoring 215
7.13 Refactoring for language independence 218
7.13.1 Enumerated types 219
7.13.2 Further decoupling of the command interface 220
7.14 Design guidelines 222
7.15 Executing without BlueJ 223
7.15.1 Class methods 224
7.15.2 The main method 224
7.15.3 Limitations of class methods 225
7.16 Summary 225
Part 2 Application structures 227
Chapter 8 Improving structure with inheritance 229
8.1 The DoME example 229
8.1.1 DoME classes and objects 230
8.1.2 DoME source code 232
8.1.3 Discussion of the DoME application 238
8.2 Using inheritance 239
8.3 Inheritance hierarchies 240?
8.4 Inheritance in Java 241
8.4.1 Inheritance and access rights 242
8.4.2 Inheritance and initialization 242
8.5 DoME: adding other item types 244
8.6 Advantages of inheritance (so far) 246
8.7 Subtyping 247
8.7.1 Subclasses and subtypes 248
8.7.2 Subtyping and assignment 249
8.7.3 Subtyping and parameter passing 250
8.7.4 Polymorphic variables 251
8.7.5 Casting 251
8.8 The Object class 253
8.9 Autoboxing and wrapper classes 254
8.10 The collection hierarchy 255
8.11 Summary 255
Chapter 9 More about inheritance 258
9.1 The problem: DoME's print method 258
9.2 Static type and dynamic type 260
9.2.1 Calling print from Database 261
9.3 Overriding 262
9.4 Dynamic method lookup 264
9.5 Super call in methods 267
9.6 Method polymorphism 268
9.7 Object methods: toString 268
9.8 Protected access 271
9.9 Another example of inheritance with overriding 273
9.10 Summary 276
Chapter 10 Further abstraction techniques 278
10.1 Simulations 278
10.2 The foxes-and-rabbits simulation 279
10.2.1 The foxes-and-rabbits project 280
10.2.2 The Rabbit class 282
10.2.3 The Fox class 285
10.2.4 The Simulator class: setup 288
10.2.5 The Simulator class: a simulation step 291
10.2.6 Taking steps to improve the simulation 292
10.3 Abstract classes 292
10.3.1 The Animal superclass 293
10.3.2 Abstract methods 294
10.3.3 Abstract classes 296
10.4 More abstract methods 298
10.5 Multiple inheritance 300
10.5.1 An Actor class 300
10.5.2 Flexibility through abstraction 302
10.5.3 Selective drawing 302
10.5.4 Drawable actors: multiple inheritance 302
10.6 Interfaces 303
10.6.1 An Actor interface 303
10.6.2 Multiple inheritance of interfaces 305
10.6.3 Interfaces as types 306
10.6.4 Interfaces as specifications 306
10.6.5 A further example of interfaces 308
10.6.6 Abstract class or interface? 309
10.7 Summary of inheritance 309
10.8 Summary 310
Chapter 11 Building graphical user interfaces 312
11.1 Introduction 312
11.2 Components, layout, and event handling 313
11.3 AWT and Swing 313
11.4 The ImageViewer example 314
11.4.1 First experiments: creating a frame 315
11.4.2 Adding simple components 317
11.4.3 Adding menus 318
11.4.4 Event handling 319
11.4.5 Centralized receipt of events 319
11.4.6 Inner classes 322
11.4.7 Anonymous inner classes 323
11.5 ImageViewer 1.0: the first complete version 325
11.5.1 Image-processing classes 326
11.5.2 Adding the image 327
11.5.3 Layout 328
11.5.4 Nested containers 331
11.5.5 Image filters 334
11.5.6 Dialogs 337
11.6 ImageViewer 2.0: improving program structure 338
11.7 ImageViewer 3.0: more interface components 343
11.7.1 Buttons 343
11.7.2 Borders 346
11.8 Further extensions 347
11.9 Another example: SoundPlayer 349
11.10 Summary 352
Chapter 12 Handling errors 354
12.1 The address-book project 355
12.2 Defensive programming 359
12.2.1 Client-Server interaction 359
12.2.2 Argument checking 360
12.3 Server error reporting 361
12.3.1 Notifying the user 362
12.3.2 Notifying the client object 362
12.4 Exception-throwing principles 365
12.4.1 Throwing an exception 366
12.4.2 Exception classes 366
12.4.3 The effect of an exception 368
12.4.4 Unchecked exceptions 369
12.4.5 Preventing object creation 370
12.5 Exception handling 371
12.5.1 Checked exceptions: the throws clause 371
12.5.2 Catching exceptions: the try statement 372
12.5.3 Throwing and catching multiple exceptions 374
12.5.4 Propagating an exception 375
12.5.5 The finally clause 376
12.6 Defining new exception classes 377
12.7 Using assertions 378
12.7.1 Internal consistency checks 378
12.7.2 The assert statement 379
12.7.3 Guidelines for using assertions 380
12.7.4 Assertions and the BlueJ unit testing framework 381
12.8 Error recovery and avoidance 382
12.8.1 Error recovery 382
12.8.2 Error avoidance 383
12.9 Case study: text input/output 384
12.9.1 Readers, writers, and streams 385
12.9.2 The address-book-io project 385
12.9.3 Text output with FileWriter 388
12.9.4 Text input with FileReader 389
12.9.5 Scanner: reading input from the terminal 390
12.9.6 Object serialization 391
12.10 Summary 392
Chapter 13 Designing applications 393
13.1 Analysis and design 393
13.1.1 The verb/noun method 394
13.1.2 The cinema booking example 394
13.1.3 Discovering classes 394
13.1.4 Using CRC cards 395
13.1.5 Scenarios 396
13.2 Class design 399
13.2.1 Designing class interfaces 400
13.2.2 User interface design 401
13.3 Documentation 401
13.4 Cooperation 402
13.5 Prototyping 402
13.6 Software growth 403
13.6.1 Waterfall model 403
13.6.2 Iterative development 404
13.7 Using design patterns 405
13.7.1 Structure of a pattern 406
13.7.2 Decorator 406
13.7.3 Singleton 407
13.7.4 Factory method 408
13.7.5 Observer 408
13.7.6 Pattern summary 410
13.8 Summary 410
Chapter 14 A case study 413
14.1 The case study 413
14.1.1 The problem description 413
14.2 Analysis and design 414
14.2.1 Discovering classes 414
14.2.2 Using CRC cards 415
14.2.3 Scenarios 416
14.3 Class design 418
14.3.1 Designing class interfaces 418
14.3.2 Collaborators 418
14.3.3 The outline implementation 419
14.3.4 Testing 423
14.3.5 Some remaining issues 423
14.4 Iterative development 424
14.4.1 Development steps 424
14.4.2 A first stage 425
14.4.3 Testing the first stage 428
14.4.4 A later stage of development 429
14.4.5 Further ideas for development 431
14.4.6 Reuse 431?4.5 Another example 432
14.6 Taking things further 432
Appendices 433
A Working with a BlueJ project 433
B Java data types 435
C Java control structures 438
D Operators 443
E Running Java without BlueJ 445
F Configuring BlueJ 448
G Using the debugger 450
H JUnit unit-testing tools 454
I Javadoc 456
J Program style guide 459
K Important library classes 463
Index 467


