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  • 外文名:Invisible
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l]
  • 美式音標:[ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l]


英 [ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l] 美 [ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l]
adj. 看不見的,隱形的;無形的,非貿易的;被忽視的,不為人注意的
n. 無形進出口
[ 複數 invisibles ]


invisible hand 看不見的手
invisible assets 無形資產
invisible trade 無形貿易
invisible ink 隱形墨水
invisible zipper 隱形拉鏈


  • 1Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.大多數蜘蛛可結成幾乎看不見的網。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.在他頭頂上空一架隱形飛機飛過夜空,不斷發出低沉單調的聲音。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.在地面上看不見的圖案可能是空中照片中最為醒目的部分。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4All the time you are in doubt about the cause of your illness, you are fighting against an invisible enemy.一直以來你都在懷疑自己的病因,你是在和一個無形的敵人鬥爭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The birds were almost invisible.幾乎都看不見那些鳥了。
  • 6She was invisible in the dusk of the room.她在昏暗的房間裡, 別人看不見她。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7These invisible duties become apparent only when you don't do them.這些無形的責任只有在你不去做的時候才會顯現出來。
  • 8Many objects in the universe are invisible, but they send radio waves.宇宙中的許多物體是看不見的,但它們發射無線電波。
  • 9By what invisible power has this surprising metamorphosis been performed?是什麼無形的力量完成了這一驚人的蛻變?
  • 10It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible.沒過多久,我就走進了看不見房子和道路的深處。
  • 11It was like an invisible claw which had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.就像一隻無形的利爪,緊緊抓住我的心,讓它無法跳動。
  • 12Yet he was wary of projects aiming to provide a visual rendering of his novel Invisible Man.然而,他對旨在為他的小說《隱形人》提供視覺效果的項目持謹慎態度。
  • 13It is probable that many undiagnosed children exist in the education system with "invisible" disabilities.在教育系統中,很可能存在許多未被確診的兒童,他們有“看不見的”殘疾。
  • 14The invisible group wasn't far behind the high-risk set, with more than 13% of them exhibiting depression.隱形風險人群也與高危人群相差無幾,他們中有13%的人表現出抑鬱症狀。
  • 15I'd say the article is bringing attention to the student government organization, which is pretty invisible.我想說,這篇文章引起了人們對學生自治組織的注意,這個組織是相當不顯眼的。
  • 16Milton wants to stand on top of the real world, to depict the coming and going of God in the invisible world.彌爾頓想屹立於現實世界之上,去描繪無形世界中上帝的來來往往。
  • 17Certainly, none of the Emperor's various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones.當然,皇帝的各種服裝中,沒有一件像這些看不見的衣服那樣給人留下如此深刻的印象。
  • 18Imagine how frustrating this game would be if, just as you began to play it, an invisible sniper shot you dead every time.想像一下,如果在你剛開始玩這個遊戲的時候,一個看不見的狙擊手每次都把你打死,你會多么沮喪。
  • 1929%, the "invisible risk" group, scored high on three in particular: They spent five hours a day or more on electronic devices.29%的“隱形風險”人群在三項測試中得分較高:他們每天花在電子設備上的時間超過5個小時。
  • 20Without gravity to help circulate air, the carbon dioxide you exhale has a tendency to form an invisible cloud around your head.如果沒有重力幫助空氣循環,你呼出的二氧化碳會在你頭頂周圍形成一個看不見的雲狀物。
  • 21The key development lies in the ability of the sphere, an optical device, not only to remain invisible itself but to slow light.關鍵在於光纖球功能的開發,一種光學設備,不僅要保持自身的不可見性,還要能減緩光線。
  • 22Wherever Bouchard and other scientists looked, it seemed, they found the invisible hand of genetic influence helping to shape our lives.無論布沙爾和其他科學家在何處尋找,他們似乎都發現了遺傳影響的無形之手在幫助塑造我們的生活。
  • 23Milton intends to soar above the wheeling poles of the visible world and describe the otherwise invisible comings and goings of the gods.彌爾頓想屹立於現實世界旋轉的柱子之上,去描繪無形世界中神的來來往往。
  • 24Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the "invisible risk" group by the study's authors.因為這些年輕人的行為通常不被視為危險信號,因此該研究的作者們稱他們為“隱形風險”群體。
  • 25As the Indian economist Amartya Sen has wisely said, "The invisible hand of the market has often relied heavily on the visible hand of government."正如印度經濟學家阿瑪蒂亞·森明智地說:“市場的看不見的手往往嚴重依賴於政府的看得見的手。”
  • 26Astronomers must infer the existence of black holes, which are invisible, from their gravitational influence on the visible bodies surrounding them.天文學家必須從黑洞對周圍可見天體的引力影響推斷出不可見的黑洞的存在。
  • 27It creates a kind of cognitive blindness—all of the factors external to a person's drive and choices that they've made become invisible and fade from view.它造成一種認知上的盲目性——除了人的驅動力和其所做的選擇外,所有的外部因素都變得不可見,並從視野中淡出。
  • 28"Cats use a causal-logical understanding of noise or sounds to predict the appearance of invisible objects," lead researcher Saho Takagi says in a press release.首席研究員高木佐賀在一份新聞稿中說:“貓會運用對噪音或聲音的因果邏輯的理解來預測不可見物體的出現。”
  • 29For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.例如,用它們來給以前看不見的微生物和細菌染色,從而使研究人員能夠識別出結核、霍亂和炭疽等桿菌。


