

《Invasion》是2005年上映的科幻劇情片,由Shaun Cassidy執導,William Fichtner、Eddie Cibrian等主演。影片講述了在佛羅里達大沼澤地旁邊的一個小鎮。當一場颶風來襲時,大沼澤地國家公園的護林員Russell Varon正全力保護小鎮和自己家人的安全。他的小女兒卻告訴他看見了一種神秘的光芒,浮在水面上方,似乎完全不受颶風的影響。Varon打消了女兒的猜疑,自己卻開始懷疑起來。


  • 中文名:入侵第1季
  • 外文名:Invasion.Season1
  • 出品時間:2005年09月21日
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 導演:Shaun Cassidy
  • 類型:劇情、科幻
  • 主演:Sheriff Tom Underlay
  • 片長:45分鐘
  • 上映時間:2005年09月21日
  • 對白語言:英語


Sheriff Tom UnderlayWilliam Fichtner ----
Russell VaronEddie Cibrian----
Larkin GrovesLisa Sheridan----
 Dr. Mariel UnderlayKari Matchett----
Dave GrovesTyler Labine----
Jesse VaronEvan Peters----
Rose VaronAriel Gade----
Kira UnderlayAlexis Dziena----


◆原 名:Invasion.Season1
◆譯 名:入侵第1季
◆演 員:William Fichtner .... Sheriff Tom Underlay
Eddie Cibrian .... Russell Varon
Lisa Sheridan .... Larkin Groves
Kari Matchett .... Dr. Mariel Underlay
Tyler Labine .... Dave Groves
Evan Peters .... Jesse Varon
Ariel Gade .... Rose Varon
Alexis Dziena .... Kira Underlay
Aisha Hinds .... Mona Gomez
◆片 長:每集45分鐘左右
◆首 播:2005年9月21日
◆國 家:美國 ABC


Man has searched the skies for centuries and has never come up with conclusive evidence to prove the existence of other forms of intelligent life. What if we have been looking in the wrong place? What if there were other forms of intelligent life already living among us? What if perceived natural disasters were really diversions created to conceal clandestine alien activities?
When a small town at the edge of the Florida Everglades is threatened by a raging hurricane, U.S. Park Ranger Russell Varon must go to great lengths to protect the small community and his family safe. During the storm his young daughter claims to have seen mysterious lights, seemingly unaffected by the gale-force winds, floating near the water. Varon dismisses the sighting, but begins to wonder if there really was some truth to the story after his missing ex-wife turns up naked and her memory of the storm is completely gone.
While the community begins to clean up after the storm and piece their lives back together, Varon begins to investigate the strange happenings as he tries to make sense of what is happening.


