International Relation and International Law

《International Relation and International Law》是吉林大學提供的慕課課程,授課老師是何志鵬。


  • 中文名:International Relation and International Law
  • 提供院校:吉林大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:何志鵬


0.0 Introduction
1 Fundamental Topics
1.0 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of international law
1.2 Nature of international law
1.3.1 History of International Law(1)
1.3.2 History of International Law(2)
1.4 Theories of IL
1.5 International law and municipal law
2 Sources of international law
2.0 Chapter 2 Sources of International Law
2.1 The definition and category of the sources
2.2 Treaties - law-making treaties and contract treaties
2.3 Customs - elements of customs
2.4 Customs - the persistent objector
2.5 Relations between Customary International Law and Treaties
2.6 General principles of law and equity
2.7 Judicial decisions
2.8 Soft law
2.9 Hierarchy of the sources
2.10 Jus cogens
2.11 Readings
3 States and governments
3.0 Chapter 3 States and governments
3.1 Criteria of the state
3.2 Self-determination
3.3 Recognition and non-recognition of state and governments
3.4 Jurisdiction
3.5 Criminal jurisdiction - Territorial principle
3.6 Criminal jurisdiction -Nationality principle
3.7 Criminal jurisdiction - Protective principle
3.8 Criminal jurisdiction - Universality principle
3.9 Conflicts of jurisdiction
3.10 Extradition
3.11 Immunity from jurisdiction
3.12 Immunity of international organizations
3.13 Treaties dealing with rights over territory
3.14 Decolonization and new states
3.15 Secession, Dismemberment,Unification
3.16 Succession of Public property and Private property
3.17 Readings & Questions
4 International organizations
4.0 Chapter 4 International Organization
4.1 Status of international organization
4.2 The United Nations Charter and the problem of interpretation
4.3 Domestic jurisdiction
4.4 Membership
4.5 The organs of the United Nations
4.6 Pacific settlement of disputes under the United Nations Charter
4.7 Collective security and enforcement action
4.8 UN peacekeeping
4.9 Readings&Questions
5 Individuals, companies and groups
5.0 Chapter 5 Individuals, Companies and Groups
5.1 Individuals and companies
5.2 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
5.3 Indigenous peoples
5.4 Readings & Questions
6 Acquisition of territory
6.0 Chapter 6 Acquisition of territory
6.1 Modes of acquisition of territory-Cession
6.2 Modes of acquisition of territory-Occupation (of terra nullius)
6.3 Modes of acquisition of territory-Prescription
6.4 Modes of acquisition of territory--Operations of nature
6.5 Modes of acquisition of territory--Adjudication
6.6 Modes of acquisition of territory--Adjudication
6.7 Acquiescence, recognition and estoppel
6.8 Readings & Questions
7 The law of the sea
7.0 Chapter 7 The law of the sea
7.1 Development of LoS
7.2 Internal waters
7.3 Territory
7.4 Territorial sea (1)
7.5 Territorial sea (2)
7.6 Territorial sea (3)
7.7 The contiguous zone
7.8 Exclusive fishery zones and exclusive economic zones
7.9 The high seas
7.10 Hot pursuit
7.11 The right of approach
7.12 Piracy
7.13 Jurisdiction of municipal courts over crimes committed on the high seas
7.14 The continental shelf
7.15 The deep seabed
7.16 Maritime boundaries
7.17 Readings & Questions
8 Air space and outer space
8.0 Chapter 8 Air space and outer space
8.1 Sovereignty of the Air space
8.2 acts of piracy in air space
8.3 Outer space
8.4 The common heritage of mankind principle
9 Human rights
9.0 Chapter 9 Human Rights
9.1 The concept of human rights
9.2 Human rights on the universal level
9.3 Human rights on the regional level
9.4 Right of humanitarian intervention
10 Treaties
10.0 Chapter 10 Treaties
10.1 General introduction and history
10.2 Conclusion and entry into force of treaties
10.3 Application of treaties
10.4 The amendment and modification of treaties
10.5 Treaty interpretation
10.6 Invalid treaties - Circumstances
10.7 Invalid treaties - The consequences
10.8 Termination of treaties - circumstance
10.9 Termination of treaties - Implied right of denunciation or withdrawal
11 Diplomacy
11.0 Chapter 11 diplomacy
11.1 Functions of diplomacy
11.2 Diplomatic immunity: immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts
11.3 Diplomatic immunity
11.4 Consular immunity
11.5 Waiver of immunity
12 Economy
12.10 Expropriation of contractual rights
12.11 The right to development
12.0 Chapter 12 Economy
12.1 The concept of international economic law
12.2 The Bretton Woods system and international economic organizations
12.3 The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
12.4 The World Bank
12.5 From the GATT to the WTO
12.6 The new World Trade Organization
12.7 NIEO
12.8 Expropriation and standard of compensation
12.9 Disguised expropriation
13 Armed Conflicts
13.0 Chapter 13 Armed Conflicts
13.1 Lawful and unlawful wars
13.2 The prohibition of the use of force in the United Nations Charter
13.3 exception
13.4 Civil wars
13.5 Self-determination and the use of force
13.6 Lawful and unlawful means of waging war--nuclear weapons
13.7 Rules governing the conduct of civil wars
13.8 War crimes trials
14 Environment
14.0 Chapter 14 Environment
14.1 Development of environmental protection
14.2 The scope and nature of international environmental law
14.3 Customary law and general principles
14.4 The Rio Declaration and Agenda 21
15 State responsibility
15.0 Chapter 15 State Responsibility
15.1 The treatment of aliens
15.2 Imputability
15.3 The minimum international standard
15.4 Preliminary objections
15.5 Nationality of claims
15.6 Exhaustion of local remedies
15.7 waiver
15.8 Unreasonable delay and improper behaviour by the injured alien
15.9 Consequences of an internationally wrongful act
15.10 Countermeasures and dispute settlement
16 Peaceful settlement of disputes between states
16.0 Chapter 16 Peaceful settlement and disputes between states
16.1 Diplomatic methods of dispute settlement--Negotiations
16.2 Diplomatic methods of dispute settlement--Good offices and mediation
16.3 Diplomatic methods of dispute settlement-finding and inquiry
16.4 Conciliation
16.5 Legal methods of dispute settlement- Adjudication -ICJ
16.6 Legal methods of dispute settlement - Arbitration(PCA)
16.7 Settlement of disputes under the Law of the Sea Convention


Malanczuk, Peter. Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law (7th rev. ed., London: Routledge,1997)
Beth A. Simmons and Richard H. Steinberg (eds.), International Law and International Relations: An International Organization Reader, Cambridge University Press, 2007;
Jeffrey L. Dunoff and MarkA. Pollack(eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art, Cambridge University Press, 2012;
David Armstrong, TheoFarrell, and Hélène Lambert, International Law and International Relations, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2012;
Basak Cali, International Law for International Relations, Oxford University Press, , 2010.


