I Was Jane Austen\x27s Best Friend(Cora Harrison著圖書)

I Was Jane Austen\x27s Best Friend(Cora Harrison著圖書)

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《I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend》是一本圖書,作者是Cora Harrison


  • 外文名:I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend 
  • 作者:Cora Harrison
  • 出版時間:2010年3月
  • 頁數:320 頁
  • ISBN:9780230743526
  • 定價:95.00 元
Based on real events, "I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend" is the secret diary of Jenny Cooper, Jane Austen's teenage friend and confidante. Their evenings are a blur of beautiful dresses, balls, gossip and romance; their days are spent writing about them - Jenny in her diary, Jane in her first attempts at fiction. When Jenny falls utterly in love with a handsome naval officer, ob...(展開全部) Based on real events, "I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend" is the secret diary of Jenny Cooper, Jane Austen's teenage friend and confidante. Their evenings are a blur of beautiful dresses, balls, gossip and romance; their days are spent writing about them - Jenny in her diary, Jane in her first attempts at fiction. When Jenny falls utterly in love with a handsome naval officer, obstacles stand in their way. Who better to help her than Jane herself, who already considers herself an expert in love and relationships?

