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Sichuan cuisine, as the head of China's four in China occupies an important position in the history of cooking, it is based on a wide range of seasonings and varied, diverse cuisine, refreshing taste to make the best use of that hot, and its unique and rich cooking methods local flavor, combined all the characteristics of the truck, absorb, draw upon many of the long house, good absorption, good at innovation, and renowned Chinese and foreign. Sichuan cuisine is characterized by prominent Ma, spicy, incense, fresh, oil, and reuse the "three-Law" (hot pepper, pepper, pepper), and Fresh Ginger. Methods of dry seasoning, Garlic, smell, Law, Ma, oil, ginger, sweet and sour, litchi, garlic flavor, such as composite type, formed a special Szechuan flavor, enjoy the "one dish of a cell, all dishes Barilla" the reputation. 川菜作為我國四大菜系之首,在我國烹飪史上占有重要地位,它取材廣泛,調味多變,菜式多樣,口味清鮮醇濃並重,以善用麻辣著稱,並以其別具一格的烹調方法和濃郁的地方風味,融會了東南西北各方的特點,博採眾家之長,善於吸收,善於創新,享譽中外。 川菜的特點是突出麻、辣、香、鮮、油大、味厚,重用“三椒”(辣椒、花椒、胡椒)和鮮姜。調味方法有乾燒、魚香、怪味、椒麻、紅油、薑汁、糖醋、荔枝、蒜泥等複合味型,形成了川菜的特殊風味,享有“一菜一格,百菜百味”的美譽。Add the "delicious chicken",and How to cook.