Horodia tou haritona, I

《Horodia tou haritona, I》是由Grigoris Karantinakis執導的電影,由Grigoris Karantinakis、Yorgos Makris、Dimitris Vakis擔任編劇,由喬治斯·科拉菲斯Akilas Karazisis、瑪利亞·娜芙普利都主演。


  • 外文名:Horodia tou haritona, I
  • 導演:Grigoris Karantinakis
  • 編劇:Grigoris Karantinakis、Yorgos Makris、Dimitris Vakis
  • 主演:喬治斯·科拉菲斯、Akilas Karazisis、瑪利亞·娜芙普利都
  • 上映時間:2005年11月10日


Chariton Ulianov has one great love: Life! That particular love affair however does not hamper him in his pursuit of enjoyment of her simpler pleasures. For him every woman is beautiful, every wine is superior when shared with good company and every situation an opportunity for good humor. His position as School Master in a small provincial town on the island of Corfu gives him the opportunity to disseminate his own unique philosophy especially to the students that participate in his greatest passion: the choir. His tender and playful outlook on life is an inspiration to his students who find themselves facing all the challenges of adolescence in a Greece which is facing the challenges of life under dictatorship. His best student in and out of the classroom is Gregory Ipsilantis, a talented youth who is just discovering love and all of the accompanying "sweet mysteries of life". He is the great hope of the school choir the first voice, a talent inherited from his grandfather Gregory Ipsilantis Sr., Pappou, who is the secret mentor and staunchest supporter of the school choir in its quest for victory in the 50th annual Chorale Olympiad. The Choir Olympiad is a passionate contest to say the least. Taking precedence over every other aspect of the town's everyday life: politics, family even religion takes a back seat to this most revered of contests. In general this contest becomes a much-needed catalyst for local residents to break free from social constraints and take the piss out of each other in good-humored competition. There are no holds barred the Olympiad being a great social equalizer especially in a time of social and political tribulation. Helen of Troy, a.k.a. Helen Valavani is the school's nymph of Mathematics. Coveted by all for her beauty but approached by few due to her austere demeanor she finds herself drawn to Hariton's zest for life. He loves her, genuinely, but his love of life prohibits him from loving only her: a fact with which Helen is unable to reconcile herself. Major Dimitriou, the town's new National Guard Commandant is a man caught in his own inner conflict. On the one hand his great desire is to be a bon viveur hence his envy of Hariton: from his ease with women to his ease on the billiard table. On the other hand his ambition drives him to become a perfect organ of the junta causing him to stifle his own desires on most occasions acting as an inhuman automaton. His arrival in town sets off a chain of dramatic but often amusing conflicts. A serio-comic combination of characters played against a backdrop of local intrigues and aspirations is woven into a tender tale that reminds one of films such as "Il Postino". This is a character driven social-drama that doesn't take itself too seriously and that can stir up feelings of nostalgic reminiscence in people of all ages. Proof once again that youth and beauty are always victorious even if it takes a little mischief to even the odds.
查里頓·烏利亞諾夫有一個偉大的愛:生活!然而,這段特殊的戀情並沒有妨礙他追求她簡單的快樂。對他來說,每一個女人都是美麗的,每一瓶酒在與好朋友分享時都是上乘的,每一種情況都是一個幽默的機會。他在科孚島上的一個省會小鎮擔任校長,這使他有機會傳播自己獨特的哲學思想,尤其是向那些參與他最大的熱情——唱詩班——的學生們。他溫柔而有趣的人生觀啟發了他的學生,他們發現自己在一個面臨獨裁統治下生活挑戰的希臘面臨著青春期的所有挑戰。他在教室內外最好的學生是格雷戈里·伊普西蘭蒂斯,一個才華橫溢的年輕人,他剛剛發現了愛和所有伴隨而來的“甜蜜的生命奧秘”。他是學校合唱團“第一個聲音”的最大希望,這一天賦繼承自他的祖父Gregory Ipsilantis Sr.Pappou,他是學校合唱團在第50屆年度奧林匹克合唱比賽中尋求勝利的秘密導師和最堅定的支持者。至少可以說,合唱團奧運會是一場充滿激情的比賽。優先於城市日常生活的其他方面:政治、家庭甚至宗教,在這個最受尊敬的競賽中處於次要地位。總的來說,這場比賽成為當地居民擺脫社會約束、在幽默的比賽中彼此發泄不滿的迫切需要的催化劑。奧林匹克運動會是一個偉大的社會均衡器,尤其是在社會和政治苦難的時代,這是不可阻擋的。特洛伊的海倫,又名海倫·瓦拉瓦尼是該校的數學女神。所有人都覬覦她的美貌,但由於她嚴肅的舉止,很少有人接近她,她發現自己被哈里頓對生活的熱情所吸引。他真誠地愛她,但他對生活的熱愛使他不能只愛她:這是海倫無法接受的事實。迪米特里歐少校,鎮上新的國民警衛隊指揮官是一個陷入內心衝突的人。一方面,他最大的願望是成為一個好笑的人,因此他嫉妒哈里頓:從他與女人相處的輕鬆到他在檯球桌上的輕鬆。另一方面,他的野心驅使他成為軍政府的完美機構,這使得他在大多數情況下都像一個非人的機器人一樣壓抑自己的欲望。他進城後引發了一連串戲劇性但往往很有趣的衝突。在當地的陰謀和願望的背景下,一個系列漫畫人物的組合被編織成一個溫柔的故事,讓人想起電影《伊爾波斯蒂諾》。這是一部由角色驅動的社會劇,它不會把自己看得太嚴肅,可以激發所有年齡段的人懷舊的回憶感。再次證明,青春和美麗總是勝利的,即使它需要一點小淘氣來平衡勝算。


DimitriouAkilas Karazisis
GrigorisStefanos Karadinakis


Grigoris KarantinakisGrigoris Karantinakis、Yorgos Makris、Dimitris VakisNikos KavoukidisEva Nathena


