A time-honored classic in the Feathered Friends line, the Helios has kept generations of climbers and outdoor enthusiasts warm over the years and remains one of our most popular jackets. Watching a garment perform over the course of several decades provided valuable insight that allowed us to gradually refine the Helios through a process of continuous design improvement. Rather than spend time chasing fashion trends, we took what we learned and built a better jacket by incorporating the latest advancements in textiles, updating our construction techniques and fine tuning the fit. The Helios has truly withstood the test of time. A water-resistant and breathable Pertex Endurance shell balances durability with weight savings, allowing the premium 850 fill power goose down to reach maximum loft. The result is the warmest jacket in its class; at less than 15 ounces and packed size close to 1.5 liters the Helios will quickly find a permanent spot in your pack. The signature hand-warmer pockets are unmatched for pure warmth and the no frills, overlapping Lycra entry design allows easy access while preventing your small items from dropping out. An internal zippered pocket is great for protecting the smaller things. Lycra cuff and hem closures seal in the heat.
音樂風格: 電子
發行時間: 2004年
01. Velius
02. Cullin Hill
03. Nine Black Alps
04. Homero Hymnus
05. West Orange
06. Two Mark
07. Samsara
08. Light house
09. Sun That Circling Go
⒑Getting Through
Unomia -- Helios在MerckRecords發行的首張專集,適合獨自一人時用耳機完整的聆聽。這是MerckRecords發行的最好的專集之一,是IDM與ambient的完美結合。這條美麗的河流清澈舒適,它緩緩流向豐饒的海,沒有消失與間隙,生命潛伏其中,那么流暢。整張專集曲風多變,每支曲子擁有著自己的豐富宇宙,單純無辜到極度黑暗而最終歸於平靜,暗示著生命中某個最好到最壞的瞬間。Unomia讓我想到了Boards of Canada,Max Richter 和The Album Leaf,簡單精緻。豐滿而深沉的低音以及閃爍著的細緻優雅的鋼琴碎片讓我看到了一個內省的Helios。
Unomia的開始是夢幻般的Velius,漂亮的和弦中緩拍的節奏精確進入,抑制而緩慢地軋軋作響,無法形容的氣氛,這是屬於甦醒時的知覺。Cullin Hill帶著輕弱的旋律緩緩流動,廣闊,遙遠,喜悅,鬆弛,安寧,充滿自然氣息。Nine Black Alps中旋轉著讓人極易上癮的緩拍節奏,喋喋不休的敲擊聲被溫暖深沉的氛圍縈繞,這是黃昏,黑暗與虛無在快要結束時悄悄曼延開來。寒冷從Homero Hymnus中襲來,不祥將旋律籠罩,機械的拍子,起伏之間流露出恐懼。West Orange是讓人難忘的,幽靈般的世界裡孤獨的鋼琴透出深深的憂傷,在古老的屋子裡,隱藏在木質地板下,那個覆滿灰塵的盒子裡的秘密。結束時的採樣將人推入孤獨演奏者的記憶中,緊緊包裹起來。Two Mark安靜的拍子重複著滴答作響,將人帶入憂鬱的幻覺中,黑暗包裹著的旋律,令人不安的介質,破碎的空間向四周張開,消失在幽靈的合唱中。Samsara讓我想到Godspeed You Black Emperor!,它仍被無形的黑暗籠罩,緩慢的拍子與旋律被虛無吞沒,失望抵達低處的尖端,只剩下一段微弱的形同不存在的話語。Lighthouse用帶著些許民謠氣息的鋼琴與吉他訴說蕭條與落寞。Suns That Circling Go漂浮在水面上,如垂死的幻想,一次失望與希望的交合。Getting Through里收音機發出的噪音越過短暫的鋼琴,這個隧道將把人帶到別處。Clementine的氣氛終於讓人感到了安慰,不經意的敲擊聲與起初陰暗的旋律突然充滿力量,美麗讓人暈眩,然而它又在頃刻間冷淡下來。Buldir平靜了,海浪以及海鷗歡快的叫聲伴隨著無憂無慮的鋼琴,快樂長久居住於安寧的心。Luek中使用了更多海浪聲與海鷗鳴叫聲的採樣,製造出內心更為平靜的美麗氣氛。春風撫過海面,撫過溫和的臉龐,帶來一次重生,結束時濕潤而鬆軟的Trip Hop伸展出另一段旅程。而那些安坐棲息的人將得到愛。
08年7月底剛以Goldmund之名出版鋼琴輯《The Malady Of Elegance》的波士頓樂人Keith Kennig,又用Helios之名,在寒冬季節帶來他個人第五張大碟《Caesura》。Helios是其電音路線的分項目,這張唱片合成器層迭交錯,配以彈撥在緩慢鼓擊中的溫暖吉他,在輕鬆的氛圍音樂和獨立流行樂之間遊走。相比Boards of Canada這裡更樸質夢幻(如優美的“Hope Valley Hill”),相比Ulrich Schnauss這裡更乾淨不花哨(如在後半段做減法的“Come With Nothings”)。然而,適合安眠的《Caesura》卻缺少足夠的創新力,漂亮的旋律亦不易被人記住。希望這回小小“停頓”後,Keith能帶來變化。