Hee Sook Kim是一位美國畫家、繪圖師、織品藝術家。
- 外文名:Hee Sook Kim
- 國籍:美國
- 職業:畫家、繪圖師、織品藝術家
- 2016Faculty Research Grant/Fund- 15 consecutive awards( 2002-2016)- Haverford College, 美國
- 2016Arte Laguna Special Award, Artistic Serigraphy- Fallani Venezia, 義大利
- 2016Fleisher Art Memorial 2018 Wind Challenge Exhibition Award - 提名者- Philadelphia, 美國
- 2016Fallani Venezia, Artist Residence 11/10-20- Venice, 義大利
- 2015Teaching with Technology Grant- (5 grants) 2003-2015- Pennsylvania, 美國
- 2015Artist-in-Residence (April), - Vermont, 美國
- 2015Artist-in-Residence, Santa Fe Art Institute - 提名者- New Mexico, 美國
- 2014Artist-in-Residence, Center for Contemporary Printmaking- Connecticut, 美國
- 2014The Wolf Kahn/Emily Mason Foundation Award- Connecticut, 美國
- 2013Artist-in-Residence, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Arts- Korea, 韓國
- 2011Artist-in-Residence, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Arts,- Korea, 韓國
- 2010Artist-in-Residence, The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation- New Mexico, 美國
- 2007Library Fellow’s Artist’s Book Grant (2nd place)- 獲獎者- Washington, D.C, 美國
- 2006Water-based Silkscreen Project: “Spiritual Medicine,”- Los Angeles, 美國
- 2005Artist-in-Residence, Eco Printmaking Workshop- Umbria, 義大利
- 2005Artist-in-Residence, Ascona Centro Incontri Umani- Ascona, 瑞士
- 2004Window of Opportunity Grant- Philadelphia, 美國
- 2003Artist-in-Residence- new maxico, 美國
- 1997Honorary Mention, Encyclopedia of Living Artists- Pennsylvania, 美國
- 1996Artist-in-Residence- California, 美國
- 1996Visiting Artists Fellowship, Brandy Wine Workshop- Pennsylvania, 美國
- 1996NEA/MAAF Regional Fellowship- Maryland, 美國
- 1996Merit Award, The Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts- Pennsylvania, 美國
- 1994Full Fellowship Residency- Vermont, 美國
- 1994Artist-in-Residence- New York, 美國
- 1993The Artists in Market Place Fellowship- New York, 美國
- 1993The Acquisition Award- Hawaii, 美國
- 1993The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant- New York, 美國