《Harvard Business Review on Talent Mgmt (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)》是Harvard Business School Press出版的圖書,作者是Harvard Business School Press
- ISBN:9781422122945
- 作者:Harvard Business School Press
- 出版社:Harvard Business School Press
- 出版時間:2008年4月1日
- 頁數:196
- 定價:GBP 14.99
- 裝幀:Paperback
Each article in Harvard Business Review on Talent Management will give you the tools you need to help your most important people stay motivated, happy, and productive--and part of your company. 哈佛商業評論中的每一篇關於天分管理的文章,都能提供給你必備工具,告訴你如何讓自己的重要夥伴每天充滿動力,愉悅,並富有效率,成為公司的一員。 才華管理相關圖書推薦: Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century The Talent Management Problem: Why We Need to Think Diffe...(展開全部) Each article in Harvard Business Review on Talent Management will give you the tools you need to help your most important people stay motivated, happy, and productive--and part of your company. 哈佛商業評論中的每一篇關於天分管理的文章,都能提供給你必備工具,告訴你如何讓自己的重要夥伴每天充滿動力,愉悅,並富有效率,成為公司的一員。 才華管理相關圖書推薦: Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century The Talent Management Problem: Why We Need to Think Differently About Talent Management 10 Must-Read Articles from HBR Harvard Business Review 73 Volume Paperback Set Top Talent: Keeping Performance Up When Business Is Down Subjects Covered Assessing performance Developing employees Midcareer employees Talent management If great talent is hard to find, it's even harder to keep. In today's competitive world, you need the best and the brightest on your team in order to stay ahead of the game. If you lose your key talent, you may find that you're also losing out on crucial business opportunities. This valuable collection offers insights and strategies to make sure you recognize--and retain--your ...(展開全部) If great talent is hard to find, it's even harder to keep. In today's competitive world, you need the best and the brightest on your team in order to stay ahead of the game. If you lose your key talent, you may find that you're also losing out on crucial business opportunities. This valuable collection offers insights and strategies to make sure you recognize--and retain--your company's vital talent. 千里馬常有,伯樂不常有,伯樂在識馬後也未必能留住千里馬。 在當今這個物競天擇的世界,每個人須要把最棒最聰明的成員留在自己的團隊中,以求在競爭中超人一招。在關