Harry Potter - The Artifact Vault

Harry Potter - The Artifact Vault

《Harry Potter - The Artifact Vault》是2016年Titan Books出版的圖書,作者是Jody Revenson。


  • 中文名:Harry Potter - The Artifact Vault
  • 作者:Jody Revenson
  • 出版社:Titan Books
  • ISBN:9781785652882


Throughout the making of the Harry Potter movies, designers and craftspeople were tasked with creating fabulous feasts, flying brooms, enchanted maps, and much more, in addition to all the magical items necessary for everyday wizarding life. Harry Potter: The Artifact Vault chronicles the work of the graphics and prop teams in creating lovingly crafted items; and the stunning inventiveness used to create a rich, filmic universe.


Jody Revenson is a seasoned writer with a strong background in the arts. Singer, composer, and performer. Armchair photographer. Bad dancer. Student of popular culture, American and European history, architecture, photography, mixed-media crafts, comic books, mythology, illustration, and traveling. Author of Harry Potter The Creature Vault and Harry Potter The Book of Magical Places, as well as several Disney titles.


