Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy

Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy

《Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy》是2007年出版的圖書,作者是 Wetchler, Joseph L.。


  • 外文名:Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy 
  • 作者: Wetchler, Joseph L.
  • 出版時間:2007年7月
  • ISBN:9780789036568
This title offers insight into the current issues impacting couple therapy. "The Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy" is a comprehensive overview of emerging issues that impact couple therapy, all in a single volume. While other guides concentrate more on the approaches themselves, this invaluable source provides the latest research and perspectives every clinician needs when dealing with challenging issues often found in practice. Practitioners get a clear view of the aspects of problems they must consider to be most effective when providing therapy to couples. This carefully referenced book is divided into five important areas. "The Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy" discusses in detail several of the most crucial aspects of each major issue. Biological and physiological issues include mental illness, addictions, and sex therapy. Traumatic issues deals with the difficult aspects of domestic violence and infidelity. Relationship issues reviews divorce therapy and remarriage. Sociological issues include the cultural, spiritual, and feminist aspects of therapy. The book also includes a helpful review on the training of couple therapists. Issues explored by "The Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy" include: how the objective biological processes of the brain affect interpersonal relationships; mental disorders and marital discord; how couple dynamics impact the immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems; how medical problems affect a couple's relationship; addictions; sexuality theory and therapy; intimate partner violence; post traumatic stress disorder and its effect on couple relationships; the latest in infidelity research and treatment; divorce therapy; remarriage and cohabitation issues; cultural issues; same-sex relationships; spirituality and religion; feminism issues in couple therapy; enrichment approaches; premarital counseling approaches; and, couple therapist training. "The Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy" is valuable, insightful reading for couple therapists, family therapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, pastoral counselors, educators, and graduate students.


