《HIV Nursing and Symptom Management》是1998年Jones & Bartlett Pub出版的圖書,作者是Ropka, Mary (EDT)/ Williams, Ann (EDT)/ Ropka, Mary。
- 中文名:HIV Nursing and Symptom Management
- 作者: Ropka, Mary (EDT)/ Williams, Ann (EDT)/ Ropka, Mary
- 出版社:Jones & Bartlett Pub
- ISBN:9780763705442
HIV Nursing and Symptom Management covers diverse aspects of the clini cal care of individuals with HIV infection. This book emphasizes the m anagement of common clinical problems or symptoms. Written by a team o f experts, this book uniquely combines evidence-based content with cli nical expertise to provide the basis for the most current, effective c are. Incorporating the latest HIV pharmacological regimens and HIV tre atment recommendations, including protease inhibitors and combination therapy. This book provides both state-of-the-science and state-of-the -art clinical content for all health care practitioners who care for i ndividuals with HIV infection.