《Grant and Twain》是2005年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Mark Perry。
- 書名:Grant and Twain
- 作者:Mark Perry
- 出版社:Random House US
- ISBN:9780812966138
In the spring of 1884 Ulysses S. Grant heeded the advice of MarkTwain and finally agreed to write his memoirs. Little did Grant orTwain realize that this seemingly straightforward decision wouldprofoundly alter not only both their lives but the course ofAmerican literature. Over the next fifteen months, as the two menbecame close friends and intimate collaborators, Grant racedagainst the spread of cancer to compose a triumphant account of hislife and times—while Twain struggled to complete and publish hisgreatest novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Inthis deeply moving and meticulously researched book, veteran writerMark Perry reconstructs the heady months when Grant and Twaininspired and cajoled each other to create two quintessentiallyAmerican masterpieces.In a bold and colorful narrative, Perry recounts the early careersof these two giants, traces their quest for fame and elusivefortunes, and then follows the series of events that brought themtogether as friends. The reason Grant let Twain talk him intowriting his memoirs was simple: He was bankrupt and needed themoney. Twain promised Grant princely returns in exchange for theright to edit and publish the book—and though the writer’s ownfinances were tottering, he kept his word to the general and hisfamily.Mortally ill and battling debts, magazine editors, and a constantcrush of reporters, Grant fought bravely to get the story of hislife and his Civil War victories down on paper. Twain, meanwhile,staked all his hopes, both financial and literary, on the tale of aragged boy and a runaway slave that he had been unable to finishfor decades. As Perry delves into the story of the men’s deepeningfriendship and mutual influence, he arrives at the startlingdiscovery of the true model for the character of HuckleberryFinn.With a cast of fascinating characters, including General William T.Sherman, William Dean Howells, William Henry Vanderbilt, andAbraham Lincoln, Perry’s narrative takes in the whole sweep of aglittering, unscrupulous age. A story of friendship and history,inspiration and desperation, genius and ruin, Grant andTwain captures a pivotal moment in the lives of two toweringAmericans and the age they epitomized.From the Hardcover edition.
PROLOGU E: "He Fights"
0NE: 'ik Man with Fire"
TWO: 'i Wounded Lion"
THREE: "The Small Room at the Head
oi the Stairs"
FOU R: "Turn Him Loose!"
FiVE: "They Have Expelled Huck"
six: "He Was Just a Man"
s EVE N: "The Composition Is Entirely My Own"
EiGHT: "The Me in Me"
Em LOGU E: "Many a Deep Remorse"
MARK PERRY, writer, reporter, and foreign policy analyst, has published articles in dozens of magazines and newspapers, including The Nation, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and New York Newsday. His critically acclaimed books include Four Stars: The Inside Story of the Forty-Year Battle Between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America’s Civilian Leaders; Eclipse: The Last Days of the CIA; Fire in Zion: The Israeli-Palestinian Search for Peace; and Lift Up Thy Voice: The Grimke Family’s Journey from Slaveholders to Civil Rights Leaders. Perry lives in Arlington, Virginia.From the Hardcover edition.