Global modernization review:Ⅲ

Global modernization review:Ⅲ

《Global modernization review:Ⅲ》是2021年科學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Global modernization review:Ⅲ
  • 作者:[意]阿爾伯特·馬蒂內利,何傳啟
  • 類別:科技史
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787030692498


現代化既是一個世界現象,又是一種文明進步。它不僅改變了18世紀以來的世界政治、經濟、社會和文化生活,還促進了人類發展、生態文明和國際體系的變遷,同時有助於文化多樣性長期存在。世界各國都在開展某種現代化建設,都把實現現代化作為一個發展目標。2019年5月,“第三屆世界現代化論壇暨第十七期中國現代化研究論壇”在北京中國科技會堂成功舉行,來自亞洲、歐洲和美洲的80多位學者出席論壇,論壇聯合主席共同簽署了《世界現代化論壇章程》。《Global Modernization Review (III): Modernization and Human Development》是第三屆世界現代化論壇的主要成果,包含現代化與人類發展、教育現代化與人類發展、現代科技與人的現代化、健康現代化與人類發展、生態現代化與人類發展、生活質量與現代化等,反映了現代化研究的國際前沿和熱點。


Opening Address
Part I Modernization and Human Development 1
The European Welfare State 3
“Healthy China 2030”: Goals and Actions 23
Social Policy and Social Development in Latin America 31
Periodic Table of Human Civilization Process 44
How to Assess Human Development 67
Part II Education Modernization and Human Development 77
To Better the Man: Education and Human Development in Modern Romania 79
AI, Human Education and Social Development 90
The Roles of History and Historical Research in a Modernizing Society 96
Modernization of Languages and Writing Systems in Human Development 104
The Government Strategy Towards Education in Modern Russia 113
Modernization and Human Development 121
The Spiritual Motive of Capitalism: From Max Weber to Liah Greenfield 130
The Hot Spots and Development Trends for Education Informatization in China 144
Part III Science & Technology and Human Modernization 149
Ruin-causing Knowledge and Scientific & Technological Crisis: The Biggest
Challenge and Opportunity Confronted by Human Beings 151
The Development of Communication as the Cause and Indicator of Modernity 160
Ophthalmological AI: Requirements and Challenges 165
Development of a System for Primarily Innovative Human Capital in China: A Tentative Exploration 168
Developing Social Enterprises and Cultivating Innovation Entities for Social Governance Modernization 173
Ideological Modernization as the Key Step and Core Content in the Course of Human Modernization 179
The Human Modernization: A Historical Reflection on China’s Road to a Moderately Prosperous Society 184
Informal Networks as a Resource for Humanization of Corporate Activities: Methodological Aspects of Diagnostics 194
The Influence of Digital Nomad on Modernization and Inequality 198
Part IV Health Modernization and Human Development 203
Aging Society and Welfare Policy: A Case of Japan 205
Medicine and Health: Description of and Reflection on the Thalidomide Event 209
A Brief Historical Overview of the World Health Modernization 219
Part V Ecological Modernization and Human Development 223
Research on the Transition to Ecological Civilization 225
China’s National Parks: Development Path and Model 226
The Environmental Modernization and Human Capital Potential of Modern Russia Through the Creative Industries’Development: International Experience and National Specifics 232
Analysis on the Basis and Path of “16+1” Innovation Cooperation 240
Modernization and Exploitation of Nature 248
Chinese Rural Modernization Based on the Construction of Public Cultural Space 251
Part VI Quality of Life and Modernization 255
Immigration and Its Welfare Implications: The Case of Health Policy in Lombardia, Italy 257
Productivity: Anywhere and Anytime 262
Formation, Development and Evolution Path of Modernity in the Process of Human Civilization 265
The Core of Socialist Modernization Is Human Modernization 272
Social Space of Russia: Measuring Tension 276
The Quality of Life in View of Chinese Modernization: With Reference to a Tripartite Model 282
The Role of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in Facing the Challenges of the Prevalence of Modern Diseases: Moving Forward, Complacent or Being Dragged Behind with Dogmas? — The Crises and Opportunities 283
Appendices 287
Appendix 1 Charter of International Modernization Forum 289
Appendix 2 New Human Development Index 2015 295


