Give and Take, and Take

《Give and Take, and Take》是由Jaspreet Singh Grewal執導的電影,由Jaspreet Singh Grewal擔任編劇,由Tom Bird、John Enthoven、Johanna Graham主演。


  • 外文名:Give and Take, and Take
  • 製片地區:英國
  • 導演:Jaspreet Singh Grewal
  • 編劇:Jaspreet Singh Grewal
  • 主演:Tom Bird、John Enthoven、Johanna Graham
  • 上映時間:2003年


In present day East London, Will Kane (Tom Bird) is a med. school drop out, and existential loner whose hate of the system has led him to drifting into low and high line crime capers, with best bud Ricky Hammond (John Enthoven) in tow. With action in short supply, they agree to take a mule job from reliable French connection Pierre, who is doing small drug jobs for two East-End gangsters, who also happen to be local rivals: Tudor Barro and Willie C. (James Arden). When Pierre dies, due to overeating for a mule job he was about to perform (67 packets of condoms filled with heroin), Will and Ricky recover the drugs through grizzily means which involve a knife, and some crude medical know-how. With London big-wig Willie C., also an old friend of Will's, suspecting that they killed Pierre in order to pilfer the drugs, all hell breaks loose. With tragedy, soul searching, old loves reacquainted, and a hail of bullets, this is an asphalt jungle cataclysm that few will forget!
在今天的東倫敦,威爾·凱恩(湯姆·伯德飾)是一名醫生。輟學,存在主義孤獨者,他對系統的仇恨導致他陷入了低級和高級的犯罪活動,最好的巴德里奇·哈蒙德(約翰·恩托文飾)緊隨其後。由於行動供不應求,他們同意從可靠的法國關係皮埃爾那裡接受一份騾子工作,皮埃爾正在為兩個倫敦東區的歹徒做小毒品工作,這兩個歹徒碰巧也是當地的對手:都鐸·巴羅和威利·c .(詹姆斯·阿登)。皮埃爾去世後,由於他即將從事的騾子工作而暴飲暴食(67包裝滿海洛因的保險套),威爾和里奇通過殘忍的手段找回了毒品,包括一把刀和一些粗糙的醫學知識。倫敦的大人物威利·c,也是威爾的老朋友,懷疑他們殺了皮埃爾是為了偷毒品,於是一切都亂了套。伴隨著悲劇,靈魂的探索,舊愛的重新認識,以及槍林彈雨,這是一場很少有人會忘記的瀝青叢林大災難!


Will KaneTom Bird
Ricky HammondJohn Enthoven
Lucy LaDucerJohanna Graham
William Drake CraneJames Arden
Randy Martina; olderFrank Scantori


Jaspreet Singh GrewalJaspreet Singh GrewalJaspreet Singh GrewalJaspreet Singh Grewal


