Gert W. Bos

Gert W. Bos

Head of Regulatory and Clinical Affairs within BSI Healthcare


Certification manager at BSI’s German Notified Body EUROCAT



  • 外文名:Gert W. Bos
  • 職務:荷蘭KEMA和TNO並擔任醫療器械的首席發證經理
講師介紹,授課經歷, 教育經歷,


He acts as chair of the Brussels-based Notified BodyAssociation TEAM-NB, is vice-chair of the Medical Notified Body forum NB-Med inBrussels, and participates in the Notified Body Recommendation group(NBRG), the Clinical Investigation andEvaluation Group (CIE), Medical Device Expert Group (MDEG) and the MDEGworkgroups on animal tissue, on MRA’s, e-labeling, EUDAMED and on IVD’s. He isa member of the RAPS advisory committee, and one of the founders of the RAPSDutch chapter in his home country The Netherlands.


Gert has developed and delivered numerous presentationsat international conferences on e.g. revising EU legislation for devices,Compliance to EU MDD and IVD, Risk Management, Clinical Evaluations andInvestigations, Combination products, animal tissue directive, meetingessential requirements with harmonised standards, Post Market Surveillance andVigilance, Asian regulatory overviews, and best practice communications withNotified Bodies.


Gert earned his PhD atTwente University of Technology,Enschede, the Netherlands, on a research project focusing on the improvement ofthe patency of small diameter vascular grafts using early tissue engineeringconcepts of animal proteins, growth factors and human tissue.
Gert的專業背景為醫藥及醫療器械的開發,他從荷蘭恩斯赫德特文特大學(Twente University ofTechnology)獲得博士學位,研究課題為改善使用早期組織工程學概念的動物蛋白、生長因子和人體組織的小口徑血管植入物的通暢性。
Subsequently he spentfour years a position as researcher at Utrecht University, faculty ofPharmaceutical Sciences, on projects involving Biodegradable self-assemblingpolymeric systems for the controlled delivery of drugs and on therapeuticvaccines for chronic hepatitis B. The majority of this work was focused onpreclinical animal studies.
其後四年在荷蘭烏德勒支大學(Utrecht University)醫藥科學學院擔任研究員,主攻項目包括受控給藥用可生物降解自組裝聚合物系統和慢性B肝的治療疫苗。該工作的主要內容是臨床前動物研究。
Next, he held forthree years a position as business developer at the pharmaceutical developmentcompany OctoPlus B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands. In these positions he published16 scientific papers, numerous technical papers and wrote chapters ofscientific books.
之後三年他在荷蘭萊頓製藥開發公司OctoPlus B.V.的業務開發崗位上發表了16篇科學論文,數篇技術文檔並撰寫了一些科學書籍的部分章節。
For the following 7years he held a position as principal certification manager Medical devices atthe Dutch Notified Body KEMA Quality B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands, and inaddition took up the same role for TNO for a while.

