- 中文名:芬克&瓦格諾
- 外文名:Funk & Wagnalls
- 作詞:艾薩克考夫曼芬克
- 國家:美國
Funk & Wagnalls (芬克&瓦格諾) is a publisher based in New York City known for its reference works, including an encyclopedia, content from which became a part of Microsoft's Encarta digital encyclopedia.
Isaac Kaufmann Funk (艾薩克考夫曼芬克)founded the business in 1876 as I.K. Funk & Company. The firm's first publication was the Metropolitan Pulpit. In 1877, Adam Willis Wagnalls, one of Funk's classmates at Wittenberg College, now Wittenberg University, joined the firm as a partner. The two changed the name of the firm to Funk & Wagnalls Company in 1890.Prior to 1890, F. & W. published only religious-oriented works. The publication of The Literary Digest in 1890 marked a change for the firm to a publisher of general reference dictionaries and encyclopedias. The firm followed in 1894 with its most memorable publication, The Standard Dictionary of the English Language . 1912 saw the publication of the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedia .
In 1953, the firm began to sell its reference publications through a supermarket continuity marketing campaign, encouraging consumers to include the latest volume of the encyclopedia on their shopping lists.
In 1965, the company, known as Funk & Wagnalls, Inc., was bought by Reader's Digest Association. By 1971, it had been sold again to the firm Dun & Bradstreet. In subsequent years, the publication rights to the company's reference works (aside from the encyclopedia) were acquired by other firms. The publication rights to the encyclopedia were spun off by Dun & Bradstreet in 1983, and were bought up once more in 1990 by K-III Holdings Inc.
In 1984, Dun & Bradstreet sold Funk & Wagnalls to a group of Funk & Wagnalls executives.
In 1988, the company was purchased by Field Publications, a division of the Field Corporation.
In 1998, as part of the Information division of Primedia Inc. (renamed K-III Holdings), Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedia became the web site. This short-lived venture was shut down in 2001. The encyclopedia exists today only as Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, an electronic reference provided to educational institutions by the World Almanac Education Group.
Funk & Wagnalls is now part of Weekly Reader, a Reader's Digest Company.
In the late 1960s through early 1970s, Funk and Wagnalls became part of one of the iconic jokes on the ground-breaking show Laugh-In, where a frequently-made reference was "Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls", a play on the perceived profanity when speaking the word "funk".
Johnny Carson's Carnac the Magnificent sketches frequently made reference to the 'answers' being hidden from Carnac as "kept in a mayonnaise jar outside Funk & Wagnalls' porch since noon today".
In the South Park episode "Cancelled", Cartman asks: "What the Funk and Wagnalls are you talking about?"
In the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century 1979 episode "Planet of the Slave Girls," Buck, argues with fellow pilot Major Duke Danton in-flight, "If you call that interference, there's something wrong with your Funk & Wagnalls." Danton, unaware of the centuries-old origin of the statement, replies, "I don't know what you mean by that, but how'd you like to repeat that in the flight hangar?"
unknown - The Pulpit Commentary
1890 – The Literary Digest
1892 - The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary on the Old Testament
1894 – The Standard Dictionary of the English Language
1896 - The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary on the New Testament
1912 – Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedia
1927 – The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories (Ten Volumes)
1949 – Funk & Wagnalls standard handbook of synonyms, antonyms, and prepositions
1949 – Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of folklore, mythology and legend
1958 – Standard Dictionary of the English Language (International Edition)
1962 – Poetry handbook; a dictionary of terms
1973 – Funk & Wagnalls Guide to modern world literature
1983 – Funk & Wagnalls new encyclopedia
1996 – Funk & Wagnalls new world encyclopedia (electronic database)
1996 – Funk & Wagnalls world atlas
Funk作為興起繁盛於70年代的黑人音樂,對其他音樂門類做出了巨大的影響,也通過種種融合,形成了諸多新的音樂形式,如funk rock, jazz funk等等。fusion中更是時常出現funk的影子。
Funk clavi是鍵盤手的必修課之一,其難點在於節奏,和充滿blues色彩的音型。而前者比後者更為重要,甚至可以說,演奏funk鍵盤時,要像打擊樂手那樣戲劇化的運用兩手的配合。"Think like the drummer"。甚至有樂手認為,演奏funk時,音符遠沒有節奏重要。
Funk鍵盤的經典音色為hohner clavinet,是一種60,70年代舊式電子采音的機械鍵盤樂器(演奏者有時還要另外配以哇音等效果),音色急具張力,成為演奏funk的專門樂器。目前新型鍵盤clavi比較出眾的模仿有Nord Electro , Yamaha(motif, S, EX系列)的各類採樣合成器等。另外,Fender rhodes, Hammond organ ,brass也是funk音樂中的常用音色。
當80年代街舞風行的時候,媒體經常不準確的使用術語"霹靂舞(breakdancing)",並且將它作為他們所見到其他街舞風格的一個總術語.然則很多人不知道還有那么多別的風格以及其他附屬文化的存在,以及其他風格的特徵. 準確的理解,霹靂舞(breakdancing)或B-boying才是媒體所謂的東西,它發源於美國西海岸並且深刻地被Break beats和hip hop影響。術語"Funk風格"指明了我們這個風格的特性已經從Hip-Hop中分離出來。Popping,Locking和Boogaloo是在FUNK時期在美國西海岸建立的。仍然應該被認為是純Funk,因此是這個術語,"Funk風格" ( Popin Jay提示:Funk風格應包含Popping,Locking和Boogaloo ) ( Popin Jay:Boogaloo是美國西海岸叫法,東海岸叫"Boogie",它們是一樣的 ) Popping和Boogaloo風格的誕生 在加利福尼亞州一個叫Fresno的小城市,住著一個叫Sam的害羞的男孩。在看了電視上原始的Locker演示後得到靈感,在1975年Sam開始創新後來被稱為boogaloo或boogie的動作。這個名字來自於老James Brown的歌“Do the boogalss”。當有一天Sam在房間裡跳舞的時候,他的叔叔說: "Boy, do that boogaloo!(孩子,做那個Boogaloo)"迷惑的Sam問他的叔叔, "What s boogaloo?(什麼是boogaloo)"。"That means you re gettin down(那是指你正在做的)" 他的叔叔答到.從那天開始他就被稱作Boogaloo Sam. 沒多少人是少什麼是Boogaloo以及怎么做。 Boogaloo是使用身體每個部分的不固定的可改變的風格。它包括使用角度和一體化的動作讓所有的 動作在一起流動。常常用捲動胯、膝、頭。使你的腿做奇異的動作,並且在舞台上用WalkOuts和位到位的轉換掩蓋很多空間。儘管他被描述為流動, 但是請記住他和wave風格有區別! Popping是Sam創建的另一個風格。人們從來都搞混它到底是什麼風格。人們認為它是所有有來自於funk動作的風格綜總合或總稱(19世紀70年代加利福尼亞)。並不是的。批Popping是屬於自己的一個風格(Popping is a style in itself),它包含腿部猛地吸住(leg pop),並且不停緊收你的肌肉來產生一種急拉的猛地吸住的效果(jerky/snapping effect)Popping只是一個風格。他並不是funk風格的總稱。如果你 pop,那么你就是個popper。如果你wave,那么你就是個waver。如果你 Boogaloo, 那么你就是個boogalooer, 等等。 當Sam跳舞肌肉爆破(肌肉爆破=Pop)時他會說“pop”,當他們模仿機器人時就好像有人製造機器噪音一樣。Sam就會說"pop, pop, pop"。人們經常對他說 " Hey do that popping stuff! (嘿,模仿那個popping材料機器人)" 很多很多人問什麼是Electric Boogaloo style(電boogaloo風格)。 Electric Boogaloo style就是popping加boogaloo風格。這兩個風格互相補充然後成為了讓EB風靡全球的殺手鐧。 其他風格 當Sam創建popping和boogaloo的時候, 其他的風格也在用他們自己的方式被創立並且發展,美國西海岸的其他地區也因他們自己的風格為世人所知,它們也都有自己深遠的歷史沒。這些地區包括奧克蘭(美國加利福尼亞州西部港市), 薩克拉曼多(美國加州首府)和舊金山。 儘管EB已經有了pop和boogaloo, 但是仍然鼓勵人們混合這些風格,創新這些風格。。。 其他風格包括: Air posing Animation Boogaloo Bopping Centipede Crazy Legs Cobra Dime Stopping Filmore Floating/Gliding Hitting Popping Puppet Robot Saccin Scarecrow Snaking Spiderman Sticking Strobing Strutting Ticking Tutting Waving
關於FUNK音樂,一位朋友告訴我,是以前黑人們在送葬的時候邊跳舞邊敲打木鼓和銅罐子而得到的節奏.為了讓參加人們的心情好轉,所以節奏都相當的FUNNY,當嘗試加上音高之後,就慢慢的演變成了FUNK.世界上有許多優秀的FUNK音樂家像Bootsy Collins,Larry Graham等,不過說到能夠讓整個樂壇都受到影響的卻不多.而Rick做到了