Frally Hynes

Frally Hynes

Frally Hynes,美國人,是歌手,詞曲創作者,攝影師,以及一對雙胞胎男孩的母親。主要作品有《Breathe》。


  • 外文名:Frally Hynes
  • 國籍美國
  • 職業:歌手
  • 代表作品:《Breathe》


Frally生長於澳大利亞南部地區,大部分時間待在Nashville, Tennessee,United States (美國田納西州的納什維爾)。她於1999年和美國著名音樂人Ben Fold結婚,並且誕下一對雙胞胎男孩。到目前為止已經娶過四任太太的Ben曾經為Frally寫下《The Luckiest》,收錄於他2001年發行的專輯《Rockin' the Suburbs》,但是兩人最終在2007年分手。Frally也曾參與Ben多支MV的拍攝和製作,並且和Ben一起填詞作曲。
Frally最初在Nashville當地參與小規模的演出,並且在MySpace上發表自己的音樂作品,受到好評並逐漸被關注。其中大部分作品均在2008年被收錄在她的同名專輯中。Frally透露這張唱片"came out of the divorce",但是同時也表示專輯並沒有針對任何人,僅僅是自己某種狀態或者心緒的表達(“It is more of a self-reflective divorce record. It is not about Ben.”,“I don't think it is a blaming record. It is more about my own reflection.”)。


Softly did you sing to meoutside my window, in my dreams
When I wokeI could hear your voice in me
One day we'll have the time to stop the time
And we'll plant two thousand trees
When we are watching movie in our sleep
When we are swimming out to sea
They'll call us idealistic and naive
But we know what it means to give
Cause reallygiving something
Is not wanting anything in return
The birds were circle around you and ripples
On the riverbank you give your words to me
Sometimes into sonnets into prose
And we know how it feels to breathe
So gather all your fortune 'round you now
It didn't take too long to figure out
You won't be needing any of it now
Will you


