



  • 外文名:forestry
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfɒrɪstri]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfɔːrɪstri]


英 [ˈfɒrɪstri] 美 [ˈfɔːrɪstri]
n. 林學,林業;林地


forestry bureau 林業局
forestry machinery 林業機械
forestry district 林區
Forestry Commission 林業委員會
Beijing Forestry University 北京林業大學
State Forestry Bureau 國家林業局 ; 國度林業局
Nanjing Forestry University 南京林業大學
Northeast Forestry University 東北林業大學 ; 東北林業大學出版社
Forestry Bureau 林業局 ; 行政院農業委員會林務局
Southwest Forestry University 西南林業大學
Forestry Engineering 林業工程


  • They had no idea about scientific forestry. 他們對科學林業一無所知。
  • Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. JadavPayeng是一名來自印度喬哈特的林業工人。
  • But through a Great Depression era programme, known as the "National Youth Administration", Borlaug was able to enroll in the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis to study forestry. 但是,通過一個被稱為“國家青年管理局”的大蕭條時期的項目,博洛格得以進入明尼阿波利斯市的明尼蘇達大學學習林業。
  • It covers the whole forestry field, including the protection and management of forests, related rangelands, and water-sheds; utilization of forest products; and the economic aspects of forestry. 它涵蓋了整個林業領域,包括森林、相關牧場和集水區的保護和管理,森林產品的利用以及林業的經濟方面。
  • Teng Qiong, director of Fenghuang County Forestry Bureau, said that the pandas were transported in refrigerator trucks for their safety and comfort. 鳳凰縣林業局局長滕瓊表示,為了大熊貓的安全和舒適,就用這些冷藏車運送大熊貓。
  • With the efforts of China's government and its people, the rate of forest coverage in China has reached 96%, compared to 5% forty years ago, according to a recent report from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration. 據國家林業和草原局最近的一份報告顯示,通過中國政府和人民的努力,與四十年前的5%相比,中國的森林覆蓋率已經達到96%。
  • A small retreat style bach, providing holiday, forestry and rentable accommodation in a private forest high above the Pelorus Sounds. 這座休閒小屋位於羅盤峽灣高處的私人森林,提供度假、林業和租賃方面的住宿。
  • FAO Forestry Paper No. 117. Rome. 糧農組織第117號林業檔案,羅馬。
  • What are the priorities for forestry? 什麼是林業的優先重點?
  • To establish the forestry fund system. 建立林業基金制度。
  • Forestry shouldn't be discussed in isolation. 不應孤立地對待林業問題。
  • Africa wants generous provisions for forestry. 非洲需要林業的慷慨措施。
  • to guide work related to forestry forces construction. 承辦指導林業隊伍建設的有關工作。
  • A classic piece of forestry, then. Boots on the ground. 然而一片典型的林業測量,需要很多人在地面上來測量。
  • Poor countries do not always have good forestry laws. 貧窮的國家往往缺乏健全的森林法規。
  • Forestry research support programme for Asia and the Pacific. 亞洲及太平洋林業研究支持計畫。
  • Offsets based on forestry are perhaps the most controversial. 林業方面的補償或許最受爭議。
  • And it's much weaker as well, according to the State Forestry Bureau. 根據國家林業局,今年的風暴也比較弱。
  • In East Kalimantan 39% of jobs are in forestry, mining or agriculture. 在東加里曼丹,39%的工作集中在林業、礦業或農業領域。
  • Farming, forestry and fishing accounted for less than 18% of the total. 種植業、林業和漁業不到總額的18%。
  • The firm also makes equipment for forestry, construction and even lawn care. 公司也為森林、建築乃至草坪養護生產設備。
  • There is no solution to the question of climate change without forestry. 如果不關注森林,那么氣候變化問題就是無法解決的。
  • None of this means that the expansion of Chinese forestry is for naught. 但是這也並不代表著中國在這方面的努力可以忽略不計。
  • Conservationist tenant preferred, but extractive forestry also considered. 保育人士優先考慮,但林木採伐業也會考慮。
  • One is “land use, land-use change and forestry”, known to its friends as LULUCF. 一個是“土地利用,土地利用變化已經森林”,簡寫為LULUCF。
  • We will energetically develop the animal husbandry, fishery, and forestry sectors. 大力發展畜牧業、漁業、林業。
  • Companies in such industries as forestry and fisheries depend heavily on guest workers. 在美國,諸如林業和漁業等行業的公司嚴重依賴外來工人。


