Food Is Your Best Medicine(1973年Vintage Books出版的圖書)

Food Is Your Best Medicine(1973年Vintage Books出版的圖書)

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《Food Is Your Best Medicine》是Vintage Books出版的圖書,作者是Henry G Bieler


  • ISBN:9780394718378
  • 作者:Henry G Bieler
  • 出版社:Vintage Books
  • 出版時間:1973年1月1日
  • 頁數:236
  • 定價:US$7.39
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
The book explains the authors belief, based on his years of practice, that improper foods cause disease and proper foods can cure disease. In it you will discover which foods are helpful and which are harmful. You will discover, how the body reacts in both health and illness. You will get suggestions about eating and not eating, for when not to eat is as important as what you e...(展開全部) The book explains the authors belief, based on his years of practice, that improper foods cause disease and proper foods can cure disease. In it you will discover which foods are helpful and which are harmful. You will discover, how the body reacts in both health and illness. You will get suggestions about eating and not eating, for when not to eat is as important as what you eat. The book is as relevant today as it was in !966, considering that they are just finding starting to understand that, food really is your best medicine! The book is in very good condition. It has some shelf wear at the bottom, see pictures. It is yellowing around the edges of the pages. It has been shrink wrapped to protect it. 亨利. G . 比勒,醫學博士,營養學家,曾在辛辛那提大學學醫,畢生受生理學家兼哲學家馬丁.費舍爾醫師所影響。他從事家庭執業醫師工作五十多年,擁有豐富的從業經驗,治療過包括電影明星、工人、農民、政治家、專業人士等不同階層的患者,並為世界帶來成千上萬的健康嬰兒。


