It's been so long I have waited for the summer come along
And the sun will always shining above just for you and me
And I'm trying so hard to believe that our love has gone so far
Coz the journey was too long the path so real
Pick me up
Take me to a place I've never been before
In my heart
I've found a place
To keep your smiling face
Don't you know you should be here
And you're holding my hand
Just like we used to be before
Since you have gone I'm so alone
So cold so hard to be strong
But life is going on and on
Pick me up
Take me to a place I've never been before
In my heart
I've found a place
To keep your smiling face
Don't you know you should be here
And you're holding my hand
Just like we used to be before
泳兒,原名陳家欣,香港女歌手。香港出生,1990年隨父母全家移民至新加坡居住15年,並在2005年於新加坡南洋理工大學會計系畢業。同年回流香港且參加了“2005年度英皇新秀歌唱大賽”,奪得亞軍及最佳型格獎,繼而晉身樂壇,加盟英皇娛樂集團有限公司Music Plus 。代表作有:《感應》、《黛玉笑了》、《無心戀唱》等。