《FISHBALL MASTER》是一款IOS平台的套用,軟體大小為16.12MB。
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:16.12MB
- 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
要成為一等一嘅串魚蛋高手,就要靈活運用你嘅手指,快、狠、準,將每位顧客對魚蛋數目嘅執著同要求一一滿足,半粒都唔少得! 身為箇中高手嘅你,每晚都有一班排隊排到打曬蛇餅嘅冬粉等你嘅魚蛋醫肚。客人會事先講明要幾多粒魚蛋,你鬱郁手指魚蛋就到佢口,餵飽就掃佢走,到下一個。時間有限,你餵得多,分數就愈多,獎賞自然更多啦! 「串串中」系其中一個自動連線到Playground嘅小遊戲。而Playground系由香港人嘅流動通訊品牌one2free研發嘅一個套用程式,呢個app將會一次過滿足曬你所有願望,有得玩又有獎品拎,畀你隨時隨地都玩得fun,盡情開心! Do you have what it takes to become a true Fishball Master You’ll need nimble fingers and sharp senses to feed all your hungry customers. Master the art of serving fishballs to the crowd of hungry customers lined up. Flick the correct number of fishballs into the mouths of customers as fast as you can and then swipe them along as soon as they are full to serve the next customer in line. The clock is ticking so serve those fishballs as fast as you can. The more fishballs you serve and the more customers you please the better the rewards! Fishball Master is one of a range of games that automatically links to our one2free Playground app, the app that turns Hong Kong into a Playground by allowing you to discover fun and giveaways all around you. Created by one2free, Hong Kong’s most colourful mobile communications brand, Playground will turn your smartphone into a passport for fun. Welcome to the Playground!