- 外文名:Extinguish
- 詞性:動詞
- 釋義:熄滅;壓制;償清
extinguishable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“可熄滅的;可滅絕的”。短語搭配 extinguishable option 終結期權 雙語例句 Gradually the bloom withered, love fire is not extinguishable.漸老芳華,愛火未滅而變異。
《Extinguish Me》是Soap演唱的歌曲。Soap&SkinExtinguish Me - I search in snow, in vain For your footsteps trail I have to kiss them With my scalding tears Until I see groundthe Bury me Bury me under ice Smother me...
《Extinguish Them》是Within The Ruins演唱流行歌曲,所屬專輯《Creature》。歌詞 Extinguish Them - Within The Ruins Silence Falls upon the room he condemns All eyes ahead Now that I have got your attention All eyes to the...
Why Do You Extinguish Yourself Nargile 《Why Do You Extinguish Yourself Nargile》是Agathonas Iakovidis演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Garden: The Very Best》。歌曲: Why Do You Extinguish Yourself Nargile ...
撲滅是一個漢語詞語,拼音是pū mìe,釋義是指扑打消滅,出自《書·盤庚上》。釋義 指扑打消滅。基本解釋 1. [extinguish]∶扑打消滅。2. [exterminate]∶扑打致死。出處 《書·盤庚上》:“若火之燎於原,不可嚮邇,其猶可...
詞目:滅火 拼音:miè huǒ 英文:extinguish a fire put out the fire 解釋:1. 把火弄滅 2. 使發動機熄火 示例:馬達在小山上滅火了 常識 發現火災迅速撥打火警電話119。報警時要講清詳細地址、起火部位、著火物質、火勢大小、...
3E戰略,即擁抱、擴展再消滅(英語:Embrace, extend, and extinguish ,最後一個詞也作exterminate,或按extinguish譯為撲滅)是美國法務部在微軟公司內部發現的一句短語,表述了微軟使用的一種市場戰略,即:首先接納廣泛使用的技術標準,...
化學滅火(chemical fire extinguish)是2016年公布的林學名詞,出自《林學名詞》第二版。定義 使用化學藥劑來撲滅林火或阻滯林火蔓延的措施。一般採用飛機向火線噴灑化學滅火劑直接滅火或在蔓延前方的地表噴灑化學滅火劑形成隔離帶阻火。出處...
機械滅火 機械滅火(mechanical fire extinguish)是2016年公布的林學名詞。定義 利用重型滅火機械(如消防車等)對林火進行撲救的各種措施。出處 《林學名詞》第二版。
ZFP series Automatic Dry Chemical Powder Extinguish System (Short as: DCP) are important equipments for the fire-fighting in petrochemical industry, oil tanker, oil storage, gas station, dock and harbor, airport and hangar...
同本義 [extinguish;obliterate;be destroyed;perish]引用 滅,盡也。——《說文》滅,絕也。——《爾雅·釋詁》國之滅亡無日矣。——《禮記·樂記》家有既亡,國有既滅。——《穀梁傳·襄公六年》以小畜大滅。——《呂氏春秋...
(2) 同本義 [extinguish or put out a fire,light,etc.]熄,畜火也。從火,息聲。亦曰滅火。——《說文》。按,蓄與滅一義之引申。(3) 又如:熄火罐頭(指能降伏擒拿凡人的法寶);熄火;熄燈(滅燈);火勢已熄 (4...
消滅的魔星(Extinguish Star):與抗性,弱點之類的東西毫無關係,是能將一切物體給消滅的魔力聚集體。深紅滅殺龍姬(Crimson Extinct Dragonar):和丈夫兵藤一誠並肩作戰時的合體技,讓赤龍帝的飛龍貼附在莉雅絲身上,製作出女性版赤龍...
inextenso,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“完整地,充分地;未刪節的”。網路釋義 inextensible 不能伸展的 inextenso 完整地 inextinguishable 不能消滅的 同近義詞 fully , completely , well , adequately , wide ...
Extinguish every sorrow Eternity stinks my darling That's no joke Don't waste your precious time pretending you're Heartbroken There will be tears and candles Pretty words to say Spare me lily-white lillies With the...
Lavatory Fire Extinguish System Emergency Lighting System PART Ⅱ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CHAPTER 3 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR IN-FLIGHT EMERGENCY CHAPTER 4 INFLIGHT EMERGENCY Turbulence Slow Air Leaks Cabin Decompression Cabin Smoke Fire...