Esoteric Anatomy

Esoteric Anatomy

《Esoteric Anatomy》是1998年andom House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Burger。


  • 書名:Esoteric Anatomy
  • 作者:Bruce Burger
  • 出版社:Random House US出版社 
  • ISBN:9781556432248


Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to massage, bodywork, and somatic psychology, demystifying an ancient transpersonal model for understanding energy in nature and working with consciousness in the healing arts.


Introduction by Richard Gordon
Blessing by Mathaji Vanamali
Introduction: Actualizing Your Compassionate Nature
Part I Loving Hands Are Healing Hands
1 What Is Polarity Therapy?
2 The Practice of Polarity Therapy
3 Transformational Body Therapy
4 Hands-On Energy Balancing Protocols
  Sattvic Session
  Rajasic Session
  Tamasic Session
  Foot Reflexology Session
  Core Session
  Spine Session
  Perineal Session
  Pelvic Session
  Sacrum Session
  Diaphragm and Heart Session
  Joint Session
PART II Essays on Esoteric Anatomy
5 Polarity Therapy: A Transpersonal Approach toNatural Healing
6 The Theory of Theomorphic Resonance
7 The Evolutionary Cycle
 8 The Golden Spiral: A Key to Understanding Energy inNature
 9 Purusha: The Omnipresent Cosmic Person
 10 Sound Is the Temple of the Spirit
 11 Babbitt's Atom: The Key to the Secret Teachings of AllAges
 12 Breath and the Cosmos
 13 Intelligence Fixed in the Breathing Spirit Is the Hub ofBeing
 14 Archetypes as Founts of Creative Intelligence
 15 Conclusion: The Evolutionary Perspective
PART III The Practice of Somatic Psychology
 16 Somatic Psychology
 17 Elemental Imbalance and Character Disorders
 18 The Ultimate Medicine
Part IV Resources
Appendix A Conscious Sound Vibration as a Healing Technique
 B Body Reading: Every Wrinkle Tells a Story
 C Polarity Cleansing Diet
 D Right Livelihood: Your Career as a Polarity Therapist
 E APTA Standards For Practice: Theory and Basic Principles ofPolarity Therapy


Bruce Burger, M.A., R.P.P., is the founder of Heartwood Institute, one of the world's leading centers for professional training in massage and somatic psychology. Located on 240 acres outside Garberville, California, Heartwood is now in its twentieth year as both a utopian community and educational institution. Burger holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and the New School for Social Research. He has been a member of the faculties of the University of Nevada and Rutgers University. Since he left academia in 1972 he has traveled widely and studied in Asia and India.

