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  • 外文名:Enforcer
  • 英式音標:[ɪnˈfɔːsə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ɪnˈfɔːrsər]
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ɪnˈfɔːsə(r)] 美 [ɪnˈfɔːrsər]
n. 實施者;強制執行者


law enforcer 執法人員 ; 執法者
The Law Enforcer 年
X-COM Enforcer 異形殺手 ; 執行者
Enforcer Prototype 執法者原形設計
consistency enforcer 一致性執行器
standard enforcer 標準實施程式


  • The best enforcer is technology. 技術是最好的執行者。
  • He wasn't always a fearsome enforcer, however. 然而,他並非生來就是可怕的壓迫者。
  • But a drug cartel's ruthless enforcer has other plans for him. 但販毒集團的無情的執法者有他的其他計畫。
  • But it needs a forceful law and a forceful enforcer to maintain. 但這需要強有力的法和強有力的執法者來維護。
  • A born warrior couldn't stay working as a smalltime enforcer for long. 一個天生的勇士不可能長時間安於做一個小嘍囉。
  • Zeus, king of the gods, is depicted as the enforcer of this code of hospitality. 宙斯,國王的神,是描繪成的執行此代碼的盛情款待。
  • As the enforcer of property right system, the state would try to reduce this cost. 國家作為既定產權制度的執行者,將努力減低此類費用。
  • A faceless enforcer, Boba Fett's distinctive armor strikes fear in the hearts of fugitives. 追捕者波巴·費特的臉藏在頭盔里,他那身獨特的盔甲會使逃亡者心中產生巨大恐慌。
  • The diversification of evaluation enforcer has been realized to ensure fair evaluation result. 實現了考核主體的多元化,保證考核結果的公正性;
  • Hongli went on inspection trips to the south, and was known to be an able negotiator and enforcer. 弘曆去南方進行考察,因其談判能力和執行能力而聞名。
  • Realistically, amending the treaty to remove the commission's as the enforcer of competition law a non - starter. 現實地講,通過修改條約來解除歐盟委員會作為競爭法執法者的權力是行不通的。
  • Realistically, amending the treaty to remove the commission's role as the enforcer of competition law is a non-starter. 現實地講,通過修改條約來解除歐盟委員會作為競爭法執法者的權力是行不通的。
  • With a trusted enforcer running the shop on a daily basis, Mr Ban can revive a bargain that Mr Annan tried and failed to strike. 有了一個值得信賴政策執行者幫他打點日常事務做基礎,潘基文就能挽回一點安南試過,但沒能成功獲得的協定空間。
  • A mall security guard — and former federal agent — crosses paths with a drug kingpin's enforcer after he saves a woman from danger. 一位商場保全員-和前聯邦探員-他保存來自一個危險的女人之後越過了毒梟的實施者路徑。
  • The second type of position is an 'enforcer', which means using physical violence and intimidation to help the 'Family' carry out its policies. 第二類職位是“幹事”,它的意思是使用人身攻擊和威脅手段來幫助“家族”執行其策略。
  • The Large Black is also an Enforcer for the Chaotic Evil faction, giving a bit of a forced morale boost to Allies, so long as it is under command. 大的布萊克也是混亂的邪惡的宗派的一個實施者,給少許強做士氣對同盟者推進,只要它是根據命令。
  • Midfield enforcer Gattuso is gearing up for Sunday's World Cup final against France, but he was forced to field questions on his future on Friday. 雖然加圖索現在要參加世界盃的決賽,但是他還是回答了記者的問題。
  • This article will probe into the character of purpose trust focusing on the following four aspects: purpose, duration, designated person, enforcer. 本文將從信託目的、信託期間、指定受託人、監察人四個方面去探討目的信託之特有屬性。
  • Meanwhile, Arsenal have also been credited with a bid for Rennes enforcer Yann M'Vila, would would bring a combative edge to the Gunners' midfield. 同時,阿森納已經嘗試報價雷恩的姆維拉,此人將能夠給槍手中場帶來足夠火力。
  • In "The Interrupters", Ameena Matthews, whose father is Jeff Fort, one of the city's most notorious gang leaders, was herself a drug ring enforcer. 電影《阻斷者》中,艾米娜•馬修斯自己就曾是某販毒集團成員,她的父親傑夫•佛特是芝加哥最臭名昭著的黑幫老大之一。
  • Wales then took control, Terry Yorath the captain and enforcer in midfield, John Toshack - in his first game for seven months - impressing in attack. 威爾斯隨後掌握主動,球隊隊長和中場悍將特里·約拉斯和七個月以來首次出戰的托沙克在進攻中活靈活現,但屢失良機。
  • Ben returned to Jacen with a Sith ship he had located on Ziost, expressing his doubts over the mission and his conflicted feelings over his role as Jacen's enforcer. 本帶著一艘在錫奧斯特找到的西斯飛船回到傑森身邊,表達了自己對這次任務的疑慮,以及他作為傑森打手的矛盾感。
  • The object of the crime is the obligation that the enforcer of administration transfers criminal cases to the judicial authority and the criminal judicial functions and powers. 犯罪客體是行政執法人員移交刑事案件的義務和刑事司法職權。
  • The Battle of Endor proved disastrous for the Empire; Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader, were killed aboard the second Death Star, throwing the Empire into a state of chaos. 後來證明,恩多之戰對帝國是災難性的:帕爾帕丁與他的執行人達斯·維德雙雙死於第二死星使帝國陷入了一片混亂。
  • Then, the author approaches the reason of the problem, including enforcer, target, atmosphere , system , condition and so on. Among them, the enforcer is primary and basic reason. 進而,筆者從理論上探討行政執法中存在問題的原因,主要有執法人員原因、執法對象原因、執法氛圍原因、執法體制原因與執法條件方面原因等。


