《Emerson and Self-Reliance》是Rowman & Littlefield Publishers出版的圖書,作者是Kateb, George
- 中文名:Emerson and Self-Reliance
- 作者:Kateb, George
- 出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- 出版時間:2002年4月
- 頁數:272 頁
- 定價:38.36 美元
- ISBN:9780742521452
《Emerson and Self-Reliance》是Rowman & Littlefield Publishers出版的圖書,作者是Kateb, George
拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803年5月25日-1882年4月27日),生於美國波士頓。美國思想家、文學家、詩人。愛默生是確立美國文化精神的代表人物,是新英格蘭超驗主義最傑出的代言人。美國總統林肯稱他為“美國的孔子”、“美國文明之父”。代表作品《論自然》,《美國學者》。其中《論自然》被認為...
Lecture Three Patrick Henry and “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Lecture Four Thomas Paine and Common Sense Lecture Five J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur and Letters from an American Farmer Lecture Six Ralph Waldo Emerson and “Self-Reliance” Lecture Seven David Thoreau and Walden Lecture...
《SELECTED WRITING 愛默生作品選》是一本2010年1月出版的圖書,作者是Emerson, Ralph Waldo,Baker, Laura。內容簡介 An essential collection of the most noteworthy essays and poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a leading architect of the Transcendentalist movement, which championed self-reliance, individualism, ...
Chapter 1 Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature Self-reliance Chapter 2 Henry David Thoreau Walden Chapter 3 James Fenimore Cooper The Last of the Mohicans Chapter 4 Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown The Scarlet Letter Chapter 5 Herman Melville Moby Dick Chapter 6 Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...
Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803——1882)拉爾夫·華爾多·愛默生 Self-Reliance 第四單元 HenryDavid Thoreau(1817——1862)亨利·大衛·梭羅 To HG0Blake Walden 第五單元 Herman Melville(1819—1891)赫爾曼·梅爾維爾 Hawthome and HiS Mosses 第六單元 Margaret Fuller(1810——1850)瑪格麗特·富勒 The Great ...
3.Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature (Excerpt)Self-Reliance (Excerpt)4.Henry David Thoreau Walden (Excerpts)Chapter Two Fiction What Is Fiction?The Elements of Fiction Selected Readings 1. Henry Fielding The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling (Excerpt from Chapter VIR, Book Four)2.Washington Irving Rip ...
Chapter Two American Romanticism and Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature Self-Reliance Henry David Thoreau Walden Edgar Allan Poe The Raven Nathaniel Hawhome The Minister's Black Veil Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Psalm of Life Herman Melville Moby Dick Walt Whitman When I Heard the Learn'd ...
Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance Henry David Thoreau Comclustion of Walden John Ruskin About Reading Books St. Mark's Robert Louis Stevenson A Plea for Gas Lamps El Dorado George Robert Gissing Spring (Excerpt)Maurice Henry Hewlett The Mayoole and the Column Edward Verrall Lucas A Philosopher ...
Emerson’s Individuality Claim in Self-Reliance 謝 娟 Devotion to Democracy: the Federalists and Their Political Ideas 王 瓊 猶太復國主義及其在美國的影響 王梅英 The Rise of Zionism and Its Influence in the United States 美國“後種族”幻覺的破滅 藺玉清 Disillusion of America’s “Post-racial” ...
4.1 Ralph Waldo Emerson From Self-Reliance The Rhodora 4.2 Henry David Thoreau An Overview ofWalden From Walden Where I Lived,and What I Lived for 4.3 Henry Wadsworth Long fellow The Arsenal at Springfield The Tide Rises,the Tide Falls Nature The Sound ofthe Sea 4.4 Nathaniel Hawthorne...
1ColonialandRevolutionaryPeriod 2BenjaminFranklin fromTheAutobiography 3TheRomanticePeriod 4Washingtonlrving FromRipVanWinkle 5WlliamCullenBryant Thanatopsis 6EdgarAllanPoe AnnableLee 7NathanielHawthome FromDr.Heidegger'sExperiment 8RalphWaldoEmerson FromSelf-Reliance 9HenryWadsworthLongfellow MyLostYouth 10Walt...
5. RALPH WALDO EMERSON From Self-Reliance 6. HENRY DAVID THOREAU From Walden 7. EDGAR ALLAN POE Ligeia The Cask of Amontillado 8. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE Young Goodman Brown The Minister's Black Veil 9. HERMAN MELVILLE From Moby-Dick 10. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE From Uncle Tom's Cabin ...
5. RALPH WALDO EMERSON From Self-Reliance 6. HENRY DAVID THOREAU From Walden 7. EDGAR ALLAN POE Ligeia The Cask of Amontillado 8. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE Young Goodman Brown The Minister's Black Veil 9. HERMAN MELVILLE From Moby-Dick 10. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE From Uncle Tom's Cabin 11. ...