《Effective Javascript:編寫高質量JavaScript代碼的68個有效方法英文版》是2016年電子工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美] David Herman(大衛·赫爾曼)。
- 中文名:Effective Javascript:編寫高質量JavaScript代碼的68個有效方法英文版
- 作者:[美] David Herman(大衛·赫爾曼)
- 出版社:電子工業出版社
- 出版時間:2016年3月1日
- 頁數:224 頁
- 定價:65 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787121273032
本書由資深 JavaScript 技術專家 David Herman 所著。書中基於 JavaScript 標準的新版本闡明了 JavaScript 語言的內部運作機制――幫助你充分利用 JavaScript 語言的表現力。通過全書歸納的 68 個行之有效的方法和大量具體實例,作者詳細講解了如何更有效地運用這門靈活且富有表現力的語言,以及如何規避其缺陷。你將學到如何選擇正確的編程風格,管理一些超出意料的問題,以及成功使用 JavaScript 編程完成從數據結構到並發的方方面面。
無論你寫了多久的 JavaScript 代碼,本書都將有助於增進你對這門強大的程式語言的理解,助你編寫更可預測、更可靠且具維護性的程式。
Chapter 1: Accustoming Yourself to JavaScript
Item 1: Know Which JavaScript You Are Using
Item 2: Understand JavaScript’s Floating-Point Numbers
Item 3: Beware of Implicit Coercions
Item 4: Prefer Primitives to Object Wrappers
Item 5: Avoid using == with Mixed Types
Item 6: Learn the Limits of Semicolon Insertion
Item 7: Think of Strings As Sequences of 16-Bit Code Units
Chapter 2: Variable Scope
Item 8: Minimize Use of the Global Object
Item 9: Always Declare Local Variables
Item 10: Avoid with
Item 11: Get Comfortable with Closures
Item 12: Understand Variable Hoisting
Item 13: Use Immediately Invoked Function Expressions to Create Local Scopes
Item 14: Beware of Unportable Scoping of Named Function Expressions
Item 15: Beware of Unportable Scoping of Block-Local Function Declarations
Item 16: Avoid Creating Local Variables with eval
Item 17: Prefer Indirect eval to Direct eval
Chapter 3: Working with Functions
Item 18: Understand the Difference between Function, Method, and Constructor Calls
Item 19: Get Comfortable Using Higher-Order Functions
Item 20: Use call to Call Methods with a Custom Receiver
Item 21: Use apply to Call Functions with Different Numbers of Arguments
Item 22: Use arguments to Create Variadic Functions
Item 23: Never Modify the arguments Object
Item 24: Use a Variable to Save a Reference to arguments
Item 25: Use bind to Extract Methods with a Fixed Receiver
Item 26: Use bind to Curry Functions
Item 27: Prefer Closures to Strings for Encapsulating Code
Item 28: Avoid Relying on the toString Method of Functions
Item 29: Avoid Nonstandard Stack Inspection Properties
Chapter 4: Objects and Prototypes
Item 30: Understand the Difference between prototype, getPrototypeOf, and__proto__
Item 31: Prefer Object.getPrototypeOf to __proto__
Item 32: Never Modify __proto__
Item 33: Make Your Constructors new-Agnostic
Item 34: Store Methods on Prototypes
Item 35: Use Closures to Store Private Data
Item 36: Store Instance State Only on Instance Objects
Item 37: Recognize the Implicit Binding of this
Item 38: Call Superclass Constructors from Subclass Constructors
Item 39: Never Reuse Superclass Property Names
Item 40: Avoid Inheriting from Standard Classes
Item 41: Treat Prototypes As an Implementation Detail
Item 42: Avoid Reckless Monkey-Patching
Chapter 5: Arrays and Dictionaries
Item 43: Build Lightweight Dictionaries from Direct Instances of Object
Item 44: Use null Prototypes to Prevent Prototype Pollution
Item 45: Use hasOwnProperty to Protect Against Prototype Pollution
Item 46: Prefer Arrays to Dictionaries for Ordered Collections
Item 47: Never Add Enumerable Properties to Object.prototype
Item 48: Avoid Modifying an Object during Enumeration
Item 49: Prefer for Loops to for...in Loops for Array Iteration
Item 50: Prefer Iteration Methods to Loops
Item 51: Reuse Generic Array Methods on Array-Like Objects
Item 52: Prefer Array Literals to the Array Constructor
Chapter 6: Library and API Design
Item 53: Maintain Consistent Conventions
Item 54: Treat undefined As “No Value”
Item 55: Accept Options Objects for Keyword Arguments
Item 56: Avoid Unnecessary State
Item 57: Use Structural Typing for Flexible Interfaces
Item 58: Distinguish between Array and Array-Like
Item 59: Avoid Excessive Coercion
Item 60: Support Method Chaining
Chapter 7: Concurrency
Item 61: Don’t Block the Event Queue on I/O
Item 62: Use Nested or Named Callbacks for Asynchronous Sequencing
Item 63: Be Aware of Dropped Errors
Item 64: Use Recursion for Asynchronous Loops
Item 65: Don’t Block the Event Queue on Computation
Item 66: Use a Counter to Perform Concurrent Operations
Item 67: Never Call Asynchronous Callbacks Synchronously
Item 68: Use Promises for Cleaner Asynchronous Logic
David Herman,資深JavaScript技術專家,Ecma TC39委員會成員,負責JavaScript的標準化工作。他擁有格林內爾學院的計算機科學學士學位和美國東北大學的計算機科學碩士及博士學位,現任Mozilla研究院高級研究員。