埃迪·派克(Eddie Parker),演員。
- 本名:埃迪·派克
- 外文名:Eddie Parker
- 性別:男
- 代表作品:後窗
- 職業:演員
上映時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
1966 | Dr. Satan's Robot | ---- |
1960 | 斯巴達克斯 | ---- |
1959 | 枕邊細語 | ---- |
1959 | 活死人的詛咒 | ---- |
1959 | 競選風雲 | ---- |
1958 | 飛騎追蹤 | ---- |
1958 | 槍戰四大寇 | ---- |
1958 | 春女恨 | ---- |
1958 | 校園怪物 | ---- |
1957 | Alcoa Theatre | ---- |
1956 | 鼴鼠人 | ---- |
1956 | Zane Grey Theater | ---- |
1956 | 贖金 | ---- |
1956 | State Trooper | ---- |
1956 | 鐵膽狂徒 | ---- |
1956 | 暴風眼 | ---- |
1955 | 金礦浴血戰 | ---- |
1955 | Tales of the Texas Rangers | ---- |
1955 | King of the Carnival | ---- |
1955 | Buffalo Bill, Jr. | ---- |
1955 | 戰爭的呼喚 | ---- |
1955 | 兩傻捉屍記 | ---- |
1955 | 狼蛛 | ---- |
1954 | 賭城浴血戰 | ---- |
1954 | 神犬萊西 | ---- |
1954 | Stories of the Century | ---- |
1954 | 後窗 | ---- |
1954 | 金殿劫美 | ---- |
1954 | 兇槍血影 | ---- |
1954 | 一柱擎天 | ---- |
1954 | 遙遠的國度 | ---- |
1953 | 從阿拉莫來的男人 | ---- |
1953 | 大俠蕩寇志 | ---- |
1953 | 虎將殲霸戰 | ---- |
1953 | 報導這個城市的弗蘭西斯 | ---- |
1953 | 無法之徒 | ---- |
1953 | 全員上岸 | ---- |
1952 | The Hawk of Wild River | ---- |
1952 | 猩紅天使 | ---- |
1952 | 血染虎狼關 | ---- |
1952 | Barbed Wire | ---- |
1952 | 霸海金鷹 | ---- |
1952 | Apache Country | ---- |
1952 | The Kid from Broken Gun | ---- |
1952 | 半推半就 | ---- |
1952 | 西域梟雄傳 | ---- |
1952 | 欲鄉長恨 | ---- |
1952 | 勇冠萬軍 | ---- |
1952 | Hopalong Cassidy | ---- |
1951 | 生擒白額虎 | ---- |
1951 | 太空英雄 | ---- |
1951 | Silver Canyon | ---- |
1951 | The Adventures of Kit Carson | ---- |
1951 | 海洋蕩寇戰 | ---- |
1951 | 翻江戰鱷魚 | ---- |
1951 | 政府特工與幽靈軍團 | ---- |
1951 | 雷德·斯克爾頓秀 | ---- |
1951 | 奇怪的門 | ---- |
1951 | 非法圖利 | ---- |
1950 | The Cisco Kid | ---- |
1950 | Mule Train | ---- |
1950 | 路易莎 | ---- |
1950 | One Too Many | ---- |
1950 | The Milkman | ---- |
1950 | 原子人大戰超人 | ---- |
1950 | 奇人艷遇 | ---- |
1950 | 隱形怪物 | ---- |
1950 | 孝感動天 | ---- |
1950 | Desperadoes of the West | ---- |
1949 | Radar Patrol vs. Spy King | ---- |
1949 | 飛天火箭人 | ---- |
1949 | 蝙蝠俠與羅賓 | ---- |
1949 | 孽海梟雄 | ---- |
1948 | Black Hills | ---- |
1948 | Adventures of Frank and Jesse James | ---- |
1948 | The Hawk of Powder River | ---- |
1948 | Whirlwind Raiders | ---- |
1948 | The Tioga Kid | ---- |
1948 | 尋跡追兇 | ---- |
1948 | 紅粉烏金 | ---- |
1948 | 碧玉天香 | ---- |
1948 | Dangers of the Canadian Mounted | ---- |
1948 | 銀城大亨 | ---- |
1948 | 超人 | ---- |
1948 | 愛神艷史 | ---- |
1948 | 殺妻記 | ---- |
1947 | Range Beyond the Blue | ---- |
1947 | Raiders of the South | ---- |
1947 | The Adventures of Don Coyote | ---- |
1947 | The Thirteenth Hour | ---- |
1947 | Bells of San Angelo | ---- |
1947 | The Millerson Case | ---- |
1947 | 維吉蘭特:西方戰鬥英雄 | ---- |
1947 | Riders of the Lone Star | ---- |
1947 | South of the Chisholm Trail | ---- |
1947 | 傑克·阿姆斯特朗 | ---- |
1947 | 天使與魔鬼 | ---- |
1947 | 萬花迎春 | ---- |
1947 | Jesse James Rides Again | ---- |
1947 | Son of Zorro | ---- |
1946 | The Inner Circle | ---- |
1946 | King of the Forest Rangers | ---- |
1946 | The Last Crooked Mile | ---- |
1946 | My Pal Trigger | ---- |
1946 | 神秘的M先生 | ---- |
1946 | The People's Choice | ---- |
1946 | Plainsman and the Lady | ---- |
1946 | The Return of Rusty | ---- |
1946 | The Shadow Returns | ---- |
1946 | Under Nevada Skies | ---- |
1946 | Lost City of the Jungle | ---- |
1946 | Daughter of Don Q | ---- |
1946 | Days of Buffalo Bill | ---- |
1946 | 面具之下 | ---- |
1946 | 斗篷與匕首 | ---- |
1945 | 吹哨人 | ---- |
1945 | Lonesome Trail | ---- |
1945 | The Lost Trail | ---- |
1945 | 間諜X-9 | ---- |
1945 | 幽靈幻語 | ---- |
1945 | Adventures of Rusty | ---- |
1945 | Snafu | ---- |
1944 | 蛇蠍美人 | ---- |
1944 | 月黑風高 | ---- |
1944 | Black Arrow | ---- |
1944 | The Tiger Woman | ---- |
1944 | The Desert Hawk | ---- |
1943 | 雪陣逞英雄 | ---- |
1943 | Daredevils of the West | ---- |
1943 | 沉默的證人 | ---- |
1943 | Fighting Frontier | ---- |
1943 | Pistol Packin' Mama | ---- |
1943 | The Masked Marvel | ---- |
1943 | 神俠血戰黑龍王 | ---- |
1943 | Thundering Trails | ---- |
1942 | Obliging Young Lady | ---- |
1942 | The Bugle Sounds | ---- |
1942 | 美國人喬·史密斯 | ---- |
1942 | Timber! | ---- |
1942 | Mug Town | ---- |
1942 | 密碼之戰 | ---- |
1942 | Private Buckaroo | ---- |
1942 | West of the Law | ---- |
1942 | When Johnny Comes Marching Home | ---- |
1942 | 窗邊的手指 | ---- |
1942 | 隱形劑 | ---- |
1941 | 瘋狂的飛翔 | ---- |
1941 | Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. | ---- |
1941 | 馬革裹屍 | ---- |
1941 | 天空突襲者 | ---- |
1941 | Look Who's Laughing | ---- |
1940 | The Green Hornet Strikes Again! | ---- |
1940 | 飛俠哥頓:征服宇宙 | ---- |
1940 | Black Diamonds | ---- |
1940 | 達爾頓團伙來襲 | ---- |
1940 | Ragtime Cowboy Joe | ---- |
1940 | 天空血案 | ---- |
1940 | 直到我們再次見面 | ---- |
1940 | 神秘的撒旦博士 | ---- |
1939 | Missing Evidence | ---- |
1939 | The Man Who Dared | ---- |
1939 | 印第安納波利斯賽道 | ---- |
1939 | The Lone Ranger Rides Again | ---- |
1939 | Mexicali Rose | ---- |
1939 | Daredevils of the Red Circle | ---- |
1939 | Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase | ---- |
1939 | Danger Flight | ---- |
1939 | Dick Tracy's G-Men | ---- |
1939 | Mandrake, the Magician | ---- |
1939 | Scouts to the Rescue | ---- |
1939 | 疑雲重重 | ---- |
1938 | Heart of the North | ---- |
1938 | 當心教授 | ---- |
1938 | The Spy Ring | ---- |
1938 | 飛俠哥頓勇闖火星 | ---- |
1938 | 罪犯學堂 | ---- |
1938 | 操控女人心 | ---- |
1937 | 末路梟雄 | ---- |
1937 | 聖奎丁監獄 | ---- |
1937 | Secret Agent X-9 | ---- |
1937 | Git Along Little Dogies | ---- |
1937 | Tim Tyler's Luck | ---- |
1937 | Rhythm in the Clouds | ---- |
1937 | 無線電巡邏 | ---- |
1936 | On the Wrong Trek | ---- |
1936 | The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand | ---- |
1936 | Darkest Africa | ---- |
1936 | Ace Drummond | ---- |
1936 | 我們的關係 | ---- |
1936 | 陳查理在歌劇院 | ---- |
1935 | 巧遇佳偶 | ---- |
1935 | Professional Soldier | ---- |
1935 | The Fighting Marines | ---- |
1935 | The Call of the Savage | ---- |
1935 | Grand Exit | ---- |
1934 | 'Neath the Arizona Skies | ---- |
1933 | The Whispering Shadow | ---- |
1932 | First in War | ---- |
1931 | Delicious | ---- |
首播時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
1958 | 彼得·岡 第一季 | ---- |
1957 | Colt .45 | ---- |
1957 | M Squad | ---- |
1938 | Dick Tracy Returns | ---- |
1936 | 海底王國 | ---- |