Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools

Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools

《Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是 Lee Steven, W.、Lee, Steven W.、Eagle, John W.。


  • 外文名:Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools 
  • 作者: Lee Steven, W.、Lee, Steven W.、Eagle, John W.
  • 出版時間:2011年11月
  • 頁數:256 頁
  • ISBN:9780415993432
Consultation is a primary course in most school psychology and school counseling programs, which makes Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools a text that is applicable to all school psychologists and students. The ecobehavioral perspective in school consultation is a shift from the behavioral perspective to include the ecological and environmental relationships of a person. This volume covers the research base for ecobehavioral consultation as well as the processes and strategies of the model. It includes procedures and forms that will allow the practitioner to integrate EBC with best practices in response to intervention, functional behavior assessment, evaluation outcomes, and the student assistance process.

