Dreaming Through The Noise

Dreaming Through The Noise

Vienna Teng - 史逸欣,一個來自美國舊金山的華裔女創作人,以她澄澈古典的美聲與豐富溫柔的鋼琴創作,獲得美國媒體樂評如AMG網站、娛樂周刊、華盛頓郵報等的大力讚賞。2002年個人首張專輯一推出,旋即獲得美國各大媒體包括CBS、NPR、NBC、CNN等爭相報導,受邀演出於美國艾美獎權威電視節目主持人David Letterman的節目"Late Night with David Letterman",並曾與香岱兒、瓊奧斯朋同台演出。

專輯中文名: Dreaming Through The Noise
歌手: Vienna Teng
Dreaming Through The Noise
發行時間: 2006年07月25日
地區: 美國
語言: 英語
發行廠牌:Zoe Records
Vienna Teng的第三張專輯。
Vienna Teng把鋼琴又帶回了我們耳邊。這個華裔女孩的才氣,不驚艷,不華麗,但卻恰到好處。歌曲自然而不媚俗,有思想的沉澱,有感情的投入。
我聽"Blue Caravan"的時候,甚至有種莫名的感動。
Amazon Editorial Reviews
One might call quitting a lucrative job as a software engineer for a life as a singer-songwriter a risky career move. Fortunately for Vienna Teng, it has paid off. Within two years of leaving her Silicon Valley career behind, 27-year-old Teng has appeared on the CBS Early Show, Late Night with David Letterman, and NPR, and has gained a large devoted fanbase through constant touring, selling 60,000 copies of her first two albums. Vienna Teng reaches a new musical pinnacle on her third album, and debut for Zoë/Rounder, 'Dreaming Through the Noise.' Producer Larry Klein (Joni Mitchell, Madeleine Peyroux) provides Teng with the perfect setting for an unforgettable set of chamber-folk compositions, which showcase her sharp lyrical prowess as well as her skills as an accomplished pianist. The album's eleven original songs show both an amazing lyrical depth and a broad musical scope, which ranges from the perfect pop simplicity of "Whatever You Want" to the stunning musical tour de force of "Ponchartrain." Clearly her most ambitious work to date, 'Dreaming Through the Noise' confirms Vienna Teng as a brilliant young songwriter at the top of her craft.
Vienna Teng - 史逸欣,一個來自美國舊金山的華裔女創作人,以她澄澈古典的美聲與豐富溫柔的鋼琴創作,獲得美國媒體樂評如AMG網站、娛樂周刊、華盛頓郵報等的大力讚賞。2002年個人首張專輯一推出,旋即獲得美國各大媒體包括CBS、NPR、NBC、CNN等爭相報導,受邀演出於美國艾美獎權威電視節目主持人David Letterman的節目"Late Night with David Letterman",並曾與香岱兒、瓊奧斯朋同台演出。一年365天,她有140天是在路上演出及打歌,甚至還為著名民謠歌手Shawn Colvin演唱會暖場4場。
01. Blue Caravan
02. Whatever You Want
03. Love Turns 40
04. I Don't Feel So Well
05. City Hall
06. Nothing Without You
07. Transcontinental, 1:30AM
08. 1 BR/1 BA
09. Now Three
10. Pontchartrain
11. Recessional


