Dorris, Michael,神經科學研究所百人計畫/研究員。
- 外文名:Dorris, Michael
- 畢業院校:加拿大女王大學
- 職稱:研究員
簡歷: |
學習經歷: 1993 加拿大女王大學,生命科學專業學士 1995 加拿大女王大學,生理學碩士 2000 加拿大女王大學,生理學博士 工作經歷: 2000-2003 美國紐約大學,神經科學研究院,博士後 2003-2009 加拿大女王大學,健康科學學院,助理教授 2009-2012 加拿大女王大學,健康科學學院,副教授 2013-至今 中國科學院神經科學研究所,決策研究組組長、研究員 |
研究方向: |
本研究組主要研究和探索決策的腦機制。最簡單的腦如何使用感官信息來引導行動的例子如交通指示燈,綠燈行,紅燈停。每個人每天都要做出大概每秒三次,每天上萬次的眼動決定 – 就是選擇目標,移動視線。再比如你正在閱讀一篇文字,你的眼睛需要作出一連串的快速眼動,把你的視線轉移到下一個感興趣的目標。 然而,很多複雜和高級決策,例如用撲克牌進行投注時,感官的信息是有限的,不能表明哪個才是最正確的選擇。在這種情況下,腦是如何衡量各種因素,如手中紙牌勝算的大小,賭注的大小,以及對手的賭技和背景,進而決策和行動?為了探討這些問題,我們希望了解各種因素如報酬的幾率、報酬的大小、對報酬的主觀評價、以及與對手的互動等,是如何影響額葉皮層和中腦的眼動神經活動, 進而影響眼動決策行為。 我們將從以下三個層面來研究和探索這些問題: 2.在被試者進行決策的時候,我們將利用電生理手段或腦功能成像(fMRI)的方法,檢測各個腦區的神經活動。另外,在電刺激和冷卻等干預和調控技術調節腦活動的情況下,對腦神經活動和行為決策的影響。 3.通過數學建模的方式,來探索腦活動與行為選擇之間的關係。 研究結果將會增進人們對決策的神經機制認識,進而加深對日常決策中常見的偏差的了解。這些研究也將有助於開發新的治療手段和措施,來幫助經常性不理性決策患者,如病態賭徒和藥品濫用者。 |
職稱: |
代表論著: |
1.Standage D, You H, Wang D.H,Dorris, M.C.(2013)Trading speed and accuracy by coding time: a coupled-circuit cortical model.PLoS Comput Biol.9(4):e1003021 2.Kan, J.Y., Niel, U.Dorris, M.C.(2012) Evidence for a Link between the Experiential Allocation of Saccade Preparation and Visuospatial Attention.J. Neurophysiol.107(5):1413-20 3.Milstein, D.M.,Dorris, M.C.(2011) The Relationship between Saccadic Choice and Reaction Times with Manipulations of Target Value.Front. Neurosci.5:122. 4.Paré, M. andDorris, M.C.(2011) The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in the Regulation of Saccadic Eye Movements. Oxford University Press.Handbook on Eye Movements.Eds. S.P. Liversedge, Iain D. Gilchrist and Stefan Everling (Book Chapter) 5.Standage, D., Hongzhi, Y., DaHui, W.,Dorris, M.C.(2011) Gain Modulation by an Urgency Signals Controls the Speed-Accuracy Trade-off in a Network Model of a Cortical Decision Circuit.Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience5:7. 6.Thevarajah, D. Webb, R., Ferall, C.,Dorris, M.C.(2010) Modeling the Value of Strategic Actions in the Superior Colliculus.Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience – Special Issue on Neuroeconomics3:57. 7.Thevarajah, D., Mikulić, A,Dorris, M.C.(2009) Role of the Superior Colliculus in Choosing Mixed-Strategy Saccades.J. Neurosci.29:1998-2008. 8.Mikulic, A. andDorris, M.C. (2008) The Temporal and Spatial Allocation of Motor Preparation during a Mixed Strategy Game.J. Neurophysiol.100:2101-8. 9.Sanfey, A.,Dorris M. C.(2008) Games in Humans and Non-Human Primates: From Scanners to Single Units. In: Neuroeconomics:Decision-Making and the Brain. Eds. Glimcher, P., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Poldrack, R. Elsevier. pp. 63-80. (Book Chapter) 10.Milstein, D. M.and Dorris, M.C. (2007) The Influence of Expected Value on Saccade Preparation.J. Neurosci.27:4810-4818. 11.Dorris, M.C.,Olivier, E., Munoz, D.P. (2007) Competetive Integration of Exogenous and Endogenous Signals in the Superior Colliculus during Saccade Programming.J. Neurosci.27:5053-5062. 12.Dorris, M.C.,Glimcher, P.G. (2004) Activity in Posterior Parietal Cortex is Correlated with the Subjective Desirability of Action.Neuron.44:365-378. 13.Glimcher, P.W.,Dorris, M.C.(2004) Neuronal Studies of Decision Making in the Visual-Saccadic System.The New Cognitive Neurosciences, third edition. Ed. Gazzaniga, M. (Book Chapter) 14.Dorris, M.C.,Klein, R.M., Everling, S.E., Munoz, D.P. (2002) Contribution of the Monkey Superior Colliculus to Inhibition of Return.J. Cogn. Neurosci.14:8, 1-8. 15.Dorris, M.C.,Paré, M., Munoz, D.P. (2000) Immediate Neuronal Plasticity Shapes Motor Performance.J. Neurosci.20 RC52: 1-5. 16.Dorris, M.C.,Munoz, D.P. (1999) The Underrated Role of the “Move System” in Determining Saccade Latency.Behav. Brain Sci.22: 681-682. 17.Dorris, M.C.,Taylor, T., Klein, R., Munoz, D.P. (1999) Influence of the Previous Stimulus or Saccade on Saccadic Reaction Times in Monkey.J. Neurophysiol.81: 2429-2436. 18.Dorris, M.C.,Munoz, D.P. (1998) Saccadic Probability Influences Motor Preparation Signals and Time to Saccadic Initiation.J. Neurosci.18: 7015-7026. 19.Dorris, M. C.,Paré, M., Munoz, D. P. (1997) Neuronal Activity in Monkey Superior Colliculus Related to the Initiation of Saccadic Eye Movements.J. Neurosci.17:8566-8579. 20.Dorris, M. C.,Munoz, D. P. (1995) A Neural Correlate for the Gap Effect on Saccadic Reaction Times in Monkey.J. Neurophysiol.73: 2558-2562. |