Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy

Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy

《Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy》是2003年出版的圖書,作者是Whitaker, E. C.、Johnson, Maxwell E.。


  • 外文名:Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy
  • 作者:Whitaker, E. C.、Johnson, Maxwell E.
  • 出版時間:2003年10月
  • ISBN:9780281053896
Since its first appearance in 1960 and revision in 1970, Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy has been widely praised both for its value as a source book and for the light it sheds on contemporary discussion of Christian initiation. The texts are in English, and a glossary of technical terms and a brief introduction to each document help to make them accessible to both the general and the specialist reader. This revised and expanded edition: retains all the sources previously included, many of which have been corrected and replaced with newer translations; incorporates Eastern Christian texts from the great East Syrian Church Fathers, Aphrahat and Ephrem, as well as selections from The Rite of the Assyrian Church of the East and the Maronite Rite; includes additional Western texts such as the famous Pentecost Homily attributed to Faustus of Riez, Letter 26 to Januarius from Pope Gregory 1, and the Rite of Confirmation from the Pontifical of William Durandus; Places individual councils in their respective geographic locales; lists sources and related publications in a variety of languages for each document studied or for each locale. "This is a most useful addition to liturgical study." Journal of Ecclesiastical History


