- 外文名:Distraction
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式音標:[dɪˈstrækʃn]
- 美式音標:[dɪˈstrækʃ(ə)n]
- 1There was distraction in the thought.一想到這裡,他就心煩意亂。
- 2It causes lots of distraction to drivers.它會使司機分心。
- 3If every distraction took only 1 minute, that would account for 2.5 hours a day.如果每次分心耗時1分鐘,那每天的分心時長就會長達2.5小時。
- 4It’s no surprise that someone attempted to design an objective way to measure distraction.有人試圖設計一種客觀的方法來測量注意力分散也是不足為奇的。
- 5The last thing I needed was the distraction of learning another way of managing to-do lists我最不需要的就是學習另一種管理待辦事項清單的方法來分散注意力。
- 6The behaviors that the birds engage in to distract predators are called distraction displays.鳥類做來分散捕食者注意力的行為被稱為注意力分散展示。
- 7The techniques of reframing and distraction can alleviate depression and anxiety as well as anger.重構和分散注意力的技巧可以緩解抑鬱、焦慮和憤怒。
- 8Alex Pang's amusing new book The Distraction Addiction addresses those of us who feel panic without a cellphone or computer.亞歷克斯·龐(Alex Pang)新出的一本有趣的書《分心癮》(The Distraction Addiction)是針對我們這些沒有手機或電腦就會感到恐慌的人而寫的。
- 9A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps, social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction.類似的標題接連不斷地出現,指責網路及其衍生的應用程式、社交媒體網站和網路遊戲讓我們分心。
- 10What they don't need to do—what would be a distraction—is to have to think about where their fingers are, or how to control the ball while running.他們不需要做的——可能會分散注意力的——是必須考慮他們的手指在哪裡,或者在奔跑時如何控制球。
- 11When the children have a larger number of toys there seems to be a distraction element, and when children are distracted they do not learn or play well.當孩子們有更多的玩具時,似乎就會有分心的因素,而當孩子們分心時就不能很好地學習或玩耍。
- 12Another version of this kind of distraction display is where the bird creates the impression of a mouse or some other small animals that's running along the ground.這種注意力分散的另一種表現形式是:鳥類會製造一種似乎有老鼠等小動物正在周圍奔跑的假象。
- 13Those only repeating words performed the same as those with no distraction, but those with the more complicated task showed even worse reaction times—an average of 480 milliseconds extra delay.那些只複述單詞的人與那些不分散注意力的人表現得一樣,但那些任務更複雜的人反應時間更差——平均多出480毫秒的延遲。
- 14The children are driving me to distraction today.今天孩子們鬧得我心煩意亂。《牛津詞典》
- 15A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.依賴性很強的孩子會讓父母發瘋。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 16Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.盛怒之下,他謀殺了拋棄他的那個女人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 17It was little more than a speed bump – a minor distraction during my day.那只不過是個小挫折——我一天中無足輕重的小煩惱。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 18An expert said mobile phone use was a distraction to students during school hours.一位專家表示,在上課時間使用手機會分散學生的注意力。
- 19The mobile phone was a distraction to students during school hours and it also brought teachers so much trouble in class before.手機會使學生在學校里分心,它也給老師上課帶來了很多麻煩。
- 20Annoyed by the level of distraction in his open office, he said, "That's why I have a membership at the coworking space across the street—so I can focus".他總是因開放式辦公室所帶來的干擾而煩心,他說:“這就是為什麼我在街對面的公共辦公空間辦了會員,這樣我就能專心了。”
- 21That means people were not blocking out the distraction.這意味著人們並沒有禁止干擾。
- 22We are going to start by talking about what are known as distraction displays.首先我們要來談談什麼是分散注意力的行為。
- 23One pretty common distraction display is what's called the broken-wing display.一個很常見的干擾表現就是所謂的斷翅表現。
- 24Carson was headed down a path of self-distraction until a critical moment in his youth.如果卡森不是抓住了青年時期時的一個關鍵時刻,他很可能走上了一條自我毀滅的道路。
- 25What's interesting is that birds have different levels of performance of these distraction displays.有趣的是,鳥類在干擾注意力方面有不同程度的表現。
- 26The lesson was so interesting that all the students fixed their eyes on the teacher without any distraction.這節課非常有趣,所有的學生都目不轉睛看著老師,沒有絲毫分心。
- 27Background noise in the classroom becomes a major distraction, which can affect their ability to concentrate.教室里的背景噪音成為主要的干擾因素,這會影響他們集中注意力的能力。
- 28The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose.北極燕鷗之所以能不受這一分神因素影響,是因為那時它被一種本能感覺所驅動著,這種本能令人類十分欽佩,它叫做:“更遠大的目標”。
- 29Most of the time, when birds are engaging in distraction displays, they are going to be pretending either that they have an injury or that they're ill or that they're exhausted.大多數時候,當鳥類試圖轉移對方注意力的時候,它們會假裝自己受傷或生病了,或者很疲憊。
- 30A threat, or a distraction?威脅還是消遣?