The Little Mermaid II? is a video release currently scheduled for 9/14/2000. , , This sequel to ?The Little Mermaid? follows the adventures of princess Melody, Ariel and Ericdaughter. Ursulaevil sister Morgana has vowed to avenge Ursula, and despite Ariel and Ericattempts to keep Melody safely away from the ocean, her curiousity leads her there again and again. Morgana grants Melodywish to become a mermaid, but in return Melody must bring her King Tritontrident, the source of his power. , , Sebastian, the crab, returns as Melodyguardian, and Flounder and Scuttle also appear in this sequel. New characters include Tip and Dash, a friendly, bumbling penguin and walrus pair, and Morganahenchman, Undertow, a huge shark who has been turned into a tiny fish.,