Dimitri Lavillette

Dimitri Lavillette,上海巴斯德研究所研究員。


  • 外文名:Dimitri Lavillette
  • 畢業院校:法國國家醫學與健康研究院
  • 職業:科學家
  • 主要成就:中國科學院2015年度第二批“百人計畫”A類,院級,2015
  • 英譯名:迪米特里·拉維萊特
1.2014.11-至今中國 中科院上海巴斯德研究所 病毒學 研究員
2. 2012.11-2014.11法國 法國國家科學研究院 病毒學,副教授
3. 2011.1-2011.12英國 牛津大學 病毒學 訪問學者
4. 2003.5-2012.11法國 法國國家醫學與健康研究院 病毒學副教授
5. 2001.2-2003.5美國 美國俄勒岡衛生科學大學 病毒學博士後
6. 2000.11-2001.2美國 美國Mayo醫學中心 病毒學 項目訪問學者
1.2009.02-2009.12法國 里昂高等師範學院 病毒學Habilitation to Direct Research(HDR)
2. 1997.10-2000.11法國 法國國家醫學與健康科學研究院 病毒學 博士
3. 1994.9-1997.10法國 法國里昂大學遺傳學 免疫學碩士
4. 1991.9-1994.9法國 法國第戎大學 生物化學 學士
49. New insights into the understanding of hepatitis C virus entry and cell-to-cell transmission by using the ionophore Monensin A. Fénéant L, Potel J, François C, Sané F, Douam F,Belouzard S, Calland N, Vausselin T, Rouillé Y, DESCAMPS V, Baumert TF, Duverlie G, Lavillette D, Hober D,Dubuisson J.D., Wychowski C.J Virol.Accepted 2015-05-26.
*48. Low cross-neutralization of hepatitis C correlates with liver disease in immunocompromized patients. Maurin, G; Halgand, B; Bruscella, P; Fresquet, J; Duclos-Vallée, J-C; Roque-Afonso, A-M; Cosset, F-L; Samuel, D; Féray, C*; Lavillette, D*. AIDS: June 2015 - Volume 29 - Issue 9 - p 1025–1033 DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000651
47.Murphy L, Varela M, Desloire S, Ftaich N, Murgia C, Golder M, Neil S, Spencer TE, Wootton SK, Lavillette D, Terzian C, Palmarini M, Arnaud F. The sheep tetherin paralog oBST2B blocks envelope glycoprotein incorporation into nascent retroviral virions. J Virol. 2015 Jan;89(1):535-44. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02751-14. Epub 2014 Oct 22
46. Girard-Gagnepain A, Amirache F, Costa C, Lévy C, Frecha C, Fusil F, Nègre D, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Verhoeyen E. Baboon envelope pseudotyped lentiviral vectors outperform VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral vectors for gene transfer into cytokine-stimulated and resting hematopoietic stem cells. Blood. 2014 Jun 20. pii: blood-2014-02-558163. (IF2012 9)
45. Cartier F, Marcq I, Douam F, Ossart C, Regnier A, Debuysscher V, Lavillette D, Bouhlal H. The Expression of the Hepatocyte SLAMF3 (CD229) Receptor Enhances the Hepatitis C Virus Infection. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99601. (IF2012 3,7)
44. Bocchetta S, Maillard P, Yamamoto M, Gondeau C, Douam F, Lebreton S, Lagaye S, Pol S, Helle F, Plengpanich W, Guérin M, Bourgine M, Michel ML, Lavillette D, Roingeard P, le Goff W, Budkowska A. Up-Regulation of the ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1 Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Infection. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 19;9(3):e92140. (IF2012 3,7)
*43. Douam F, Dao Thi VL, Maurin G., Fresquet J., Mompelat D., Cosset FL and Lavillette D. A critical interaction between E1 and E2 glycoproteins determines binding and fusion properties of hepatitis C virus during cell entry. Hepatology. 2014 Mar;59(3):776-88 (IF2011 11,66).
42. Lévy C, Aerts L, Hamelin MÈ, Granier C, Szécsi J, Lavillette D, Boivin G, Cosset FL. Virus-like particle vaccine induces cross-protection against human metapneumovirus infections in mice. Vaccine. 2013 Jun 7;31(25):2778-85.(IF20113.458)
41. Vausselin T, Calland N, Belouzard S, Descamps V, Douam F, Helle F, François C, Lavillette D, Duverlie G, Wahid A, Fénéant L, Cocquerel L, Guérardel Y, Wychowski C, Biot C, Dubuisson J. The antimalarial ferroquine is an inhibitor of hepatitis C virus. Hepatology. 2013 Jan 24. (IF2011 11,66).
40. Dao Thi VL, Granier C, Zeisel MB, Guerin M, Mancip J, Granio O, Penin F, Lavillette D, Bartenschlager R, Baumert TF, Cosset FL, Dreux M. Characterization of hepatitis C virus particle sub-populations reveals multiple usage of the scavenger receptor BI for entry steps. J Biol Chem. 2012 Jul 5. 7;287(37):31242-57 (IF2011 5.11)
39. Molina-Jimenez F, Benedicto I, Dao Thi VL, Gondar V, Lavillette D, Marin JJ, Briz O, Moreno-Otero R, Aldabe R, Baumert TF, Cosset FL, Lopez-Cabrera M, Majano PL. Matrigel-embedded 3D culture of Huh-7 cells as a hepatocyte-like polarized system to study hepatitis C virus cycle. Virology. 2012 Mar 30;425(1):31-9. Epub 2012 Jan 24. (IF2011 3.35)
38. Boo I, Tewierik K, Douam F, Lavillette D, Poumbourios P, Drummer HE. Distinct roles in folding, CD81 receptor binding and viral entry for conserved histidine residues of hepatitis C virus glycoprotein E1 and E2. Biochem J. 2012 Apr 1;443(1):85-94. (IF2011 4.89)
37.Garrone P, Fluckiger AC, Mangeot PE, Gauthier E, Dupeyrot-Lacas P, Mancip J, Cangialosi A, Du Chéné I, Legrand R, Mangeot I, Lavillette D, Bellier B, Cosset FL, Tangy F, Klatzmann D, Dalba C. A prime-boost strategy using virus-like particles pseudotyped for HCV proteins triggers broadly neutralizing antibodies in macaques. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Aug 3;3(94):94ra71. (IF2011 .7,8)
*36.Maurin G, Fresquet J, Granio O, Wychowski C, Cosset FL and Lavillette D. Identification of interactions in the E1E2 heterodimer of Hepatitis C virus important for cell entry. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jul 8;286(27):23865-76. (IF2011 5.11)
35. Lupberger J, Zeisel MB, Xiao F, Thumann C, Fofana I, Zona L, Davis C, Mee CJ, Turek M, Gorke S, Royer C, Fischer B, Zahid MN, Lavillette D, Fresquet J, Cosset FL, Rothenberg SM, Pietschmann T, Patel AH, Pessaux P, Doffoël M, Raffelsberger W, Poch O, McKeating JA, Brino L, Baumert TF. EGFR and EphA2 are host factors for hepatitis C virus entry and possible targets for antiviral therapy. Nat Med. 2011 May;17(5):589-95. (IF2011 26,41)
*34. FL Cosset and D Lavillette. Cell entry of enveloped viruses. Advances in Genetics. 2011;73:121-83. (IF2011 3,9)
33. Teissier E, Zandomeneghi G, Loquet A, Lavillette D, Lavergne JP, Montserret R, Cosset FL, Böckmann A, Meier BH, Penin F, Pécheur EI. Mechanism of inhibition of enveloped virus membrane fusion by the antiviral drug arbidol. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 25;6(1):e15874. (IF2011 4.41)
*32. Pérot P*, Montgiraud C*, Lavillette D* and Mallet F. A comparative portrait of retroviral fusogens and syncytins. Cell Fusions book. 2011. pp 63-115, Springer.
31. Bonnafous P, Perrault M, Le Bihan O, Bartosch B, Lavillette D, Penin F, Lambert O, Pecheur EI Characterization of hepatitis C viral pseudoparticles by cryo-electron microscopy usingfunctionalized magnetic nanobeads.. J Gen Virol. 2010 Apr 7. (IF2011 3,36)
30. Pawlotsky JM, Cocquerel L, Durantel D, Lavillette D, Lerat H, Pécheur EI, Polyak SJ, Tautz N, Thimme R.HCV research 20 years after discovery: a summary of the 16th international symposium on hepatitis C virus and related viruses. Gastroenterology. 2010 Jan;138(1):6-12.e1-2. Epub 2009 Nov 18. (IF2011 11,6)
29. Lin EH, Salon C, Brambilla E, Lavillette D, Szecsi J, Cosset FL, Coll JL. Fusogenic membrane glycoproteins induce syncytia formation and death in vitro and in vivo: a potential therapy agent for lung cancer. Cancer Gene Ther. 2010 Apr;17(4):256-65. 2009 Nov 6. (IF2011 2,8)
28. Trotard M, Lepère-Douard C, Régeard M, Piquet-Pellorce C, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Gripon P, Le Seyec J. Kinases required in hepatitis C virus entry and replication highlighted by small interference RNA screening. FASEB J. 2009 Nov;23(11):3780-9. (IF2011 6,3)
27. Benedicto I, Molina-Jiménez F, Bartosch B, Cosset FL, Lavillette D, Prieto J, Moreno-Otero R, Valenzuela-Fernández A, Aldabe R, López-Cabrera M, Majano PL. The tight junction-associated protein occludin is required for a postbinding step in hepatitis C virus entry and infection. J Virol. 2009 Aug;83(16):8012-20. Epub 2009 Jun 10. (IF2011 5,4)
26. Dreux M, Dao Thi VL, Fresquet J, Guérin M, Julia Z, Verney G, Durantel D, Zoulim F, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Bartosch B. Receptor complementation and mutagenesis reveal SR-BI as an essential HCV entry factor and functionally imply its intra- and extra-cellular domains. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Feb;5(2):e1000310. Epub 2009 Feb 20 (IF2011 9,1)
25. Fenouillet E., Lavillette D., Loureiro S., Krashias G., Maurin G., Cosset FL., Jones IM., Barbouche R.. Contribution of redox status to HCV E2 envelope protein function and antigenicity. J Biol Chem. 2008 Sep 26;283(39):26340-8. Epub 2008 Jul 30. (IF2011 5,11)
24. Meertens L, Bertaux C, Cukierman L, Cormier E, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Dragic T. The tight junction proteins claudin-1, -6 and -9 are entry cofactors for the Hepatitis C virus. J Virol. 2008; 82:3555-3560. (IF2011 5,4)
23.Dreux, M., Boson, B., Ricard-Blum, S., Molle, J., Lavillette, D., Bartosch, B., Pécheur, E.-I. and Cosset., F.-L. The exchangeable apolipoprotein ApoC-I promotes membrane fusion of hepatitis C virus. J Biol Chem.2007 Nov 2;282(44):32357-69. Epub 2007 Aug 30.
*22. Lavillette D, Pecheur EI, Donot P, Fresquet J, Molle J, Corbau R, Dreux M, Penin F, Cosset FL. Characterization of fusion determinants points to the involvement of three discrete regions of both E1 and E2 glycoproteins in the membrane fusion process of hepatitis C virus. J Virol. 2007 Aug;81(16):8752-65. (IF2011 5,4)
21. Pecheur EI, Lavillette D, Alcaras F, Molle J, Boriskin YS, Roberts M, Cosset FL, Polyak SJ. Biochemical Mechanism of Hepatitis C Virus Inhibition by the Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Arbidol. Biochemistry. 2007 May 22;46(20):6050-9.
20. Dreux M, Pietschmann T, Granier C, Voisset C, Ricard-Blum S, Mangeot PE, Keck Z, Foung S, Vu-Dac N, Dubuisson J, Bartenschlager R, Lavillette D, Cosset FL. High density lipoprotein inhibits hepatitis C virus-neutralizing antibodies by stimulating cell entry via activation of the scavenger receptor BI. J Biol Chem. 2006 Jul 7;281(27):18285-95.
*19. Lavillette D, Barbouche R, Yao Y, Boson B, Cosset FL, Jones IM, Fenouillet E. Significant redox insensitivity of the functions of the SARS-CoV Spike glycoprotein; comparison to HIV envelope. J Biol Chem.2006 Apr 7;281(14):9200-4.2006.
*18. Lavillette D, Bartosch B, Nourrisson D, Verney G, Cosset FL, Penin F, Pecheur EI.Hepatitis C virus glycoproteins mediate low pH-dependent membrane fusion with liposomes. J Biol Chem. 2006 Feb 17;281(7):3909-17.
17. Youn JW, Park SH, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Yang SH, Lee CG, Jin HT, Kim CM, Shata MT, Lee DH, Pfahler W, Prince AM, Sung YC. Sustained E2 antibody response correlates with reduced peak viremia after hepatitis C virus infection in the chimpanzee. Hepatology. 2005 Dec;42(6):1429-36.
16. Owsianka A, Tarr AW, Juttla VS, Lavillette D, Bartosch B, Cosset FL, Ball JK, Patel AH.Monoclonal antibody AP33 defines a broadly neutralizing epitope on the hepatitis C virus E2 envelope glycoprotein. J Virol. 2005 Sep;79(17):11095-104.
15. Bartosch B, Verney G, Dreux M, Donot P, Morice Y, Penin F, Pawlotsky JM, Lavillette D and Cosset FL. An interplay between hypervariable region 1 of the hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein, the scavenger receptor BI, and high-density lipoprotein promotes both enhancement of infection and protection against neutralizing antibodies. J Virol. 2005 Jul;79(13):8217-29.
*14. Lavillette D., Y. Morice, G. Germanidis, P. Donot, A. Soulier, E. Pagkalos, G. Sakellariou, L. Intrator, B. Bartosch, J.-M. Pawlotsky, and F.-L. Cosset. 2004. Human serum facilitates hepatitis C virus infection, and neutralizing responses inversely correlate with viral replication kinetics at the acute phase of hepatitis C virus infection. J Virol. 2005 May;79(10):6023-34.(IF2011 5,4)
*13. Lavillette D, Tarr AW, Voisset C, Donot P, Bartosch B, Bain C, Patel AH, Dubuisson J, Ball JK, Cosset FL. Characterization of host-range and cell entry properties of the major genotypes and subtypes of hepatitis C virus. Hepatology. 2005 Feb;41(2):265-74.
*12. Lavillette Dand Kabat D. Porcine endogenous retroviruses infect cells lacking cognate receptors by analternative pathway: implications for retrovirus evolution and xenotransplantation. J Virol. 2004 Aug;78(16):8868-77.
*11. Tailor CS*, Lavillette D*, Marin M*, Kabat D. Cell surface receptors for gammaretroviruses. Curr Top MicrobiolImmunol. 2003;281:29-106. Review.(IF2011 4,9)
10. Marin M, Lavillette D, Kelly SM, Kabat. D. N-linked glycosylation and sequence changes in a critical negativecontrol region of the ASCT1 and ASCT2 neutral amino acid transporters determine their retroviral receptor functions. J Virol. 2003 Mar;77(5):2936-45.
*9. Lavillette, D., Ruggieri, A., Boson, B., A. Maurice, M. and Cosset, F.-L. Structural inter-relations between subdomains of the SU that regulate receptor-mediated transition between the fusion-inhibited and fusion-active conformations of the MLV glycoprotein. J. Virol. 2002. 76:9673-9685.
*8. Lavillette, D., Marin, M., Ruggieri, A., Mallet, F., Cosset, F.L., and Kabat, D. The Envelope Glycoprotein of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Type -W Mediates Infections by Promiscuously Using a Divergent Family of Amino Acid Transporters/Cell Surface Receptors. J. Virol. 2002. 76:6442-6452.
*7. Lavillette, D., Russell, S. J., and Cosset, F. L. Retargeting gene delivery using surface-engineered retroviral vector particles. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2001. Oct;12(5):461-6. (IF2011 7,7)
*6. Lavillette, D., Boson, B., Russell, S. J., and Cosset, F. L. Activation of membrane fusion by murine leukemia viruses is controlled in cis or in trans by interactions between the receptor-binding domain and a conserved disulfide loop of the carboxy-terminus of the surface glycoproteins. J Virol . 2001. 75,3685-95.
*5. Lavillette, D., Ruggieri, A., Russell, S. J., and Cosset, F. L. Activation of a cell entry pathway common to type C mammalian retroviruses by soluble envelope fragments. J Virol 2000. 74, 295-304.
4. Blond, J. L., Lavillette, D., Cheynet, V., Bouton, O., Oriol, G., Chapel-Fernandes, S., Mandrand, B., Mallet, F., and Cosset, F. L. An envelope glycoprotein of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-W is expressed in the human placenta and fuses cells expressing the type D mammalian retrovirus receptor. 2000. J Virol74, 3321-9.
3. Kim FJ, Seiliez I, Denesvre C, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Sitbon M. Definition of an amino-terminal domain of the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 envelope surface unit that extends the fusogenic range of an ecotropic murine leukemia virus. J Biol Chem. 2000 Aug 4;275(31):23417-20.
2. Bateman A, Bullough F, Murphy S, Emiliusen L, Lavillette D, Cosset FL, Cattaneo R, Russell SJ, Vile RG. Fusogenic membrane glycoproteins as a novel class of genes for the local and immune-mediated control of tumor growth. Cancer Res. 2000 Mar 15;60(6):1492-7.
*1. Lavillette, D.,Maurice, M., Roche, C., Russell, S. J., Sitbon, M. and Cosset, F.-L. A proline-rich motif downstream of the receptor binding domain modulates conformation and fusogenicity of murine retroviral envelopes. J Virol 1998 Dec 72, 9955-9965.

