Die Sonnenblumen

Die Sonnenblumen

《Die Sonnenblumen》是Tournesol創作的網路小說,發表於晉江文學網


  • 中文名:Die Sonnenblumen
  • 作者:Tournesol
  • 連載平台:晉江文學網
本文莫名地從單捲髮展成雙卷。(角色也有些更改了)"E come un girasole giro intorno a te. Che sei il mio sole anche di notte.Tu non ti stanchi mai tu non ti fermi maiE come un girasole io ti seguirò.E mille volte ancora mi innamorerò"-- 《Girasole》"It's good that lives have several circles. But mine, my life has only gone around once...Yet the circle isn't closed. The most important part is still missing. I've written her name insede many times. And here, right now, i cannot close anything. I am alone."-- Los amantes del Círculo Polar接下來,是我們小靨的文。基本上,我們的文是同一幫人在不同世界的完全平行的故事。她的評價是:“我們用小宇宙構造了這個世界。”噗。BGM: The tower-Vienna Teng

