n. 指定,委任;名稱,稱號
The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area. 正在考慮將這個地區指定為保護區。
Her official designation is Financial Controller. 她的正式職務是財務總監。
Wilderness designation prohibits road building, the use of mechanized equipment and most other developments. 荒野之地禁止築路、使用機械設備以及絕大多數其它的開發。
Hurricane Katrina is widely considered the measure for a destructive storm, holding the maximum Category 5 designation for a full 24 hours in late August 2005. 卡特里娜颶風被廣泛認為是破壞性風暴,在2005年8月底的整整24小時內,它的最高級別為5級。
The formal designation of a namespace is a URI. 名稱空間的正式名稱是URI。
The air Force designation for the aircraft is VC-25A. 空軍一號指定機型為VC - 25a。
The explicit designation of a master slice is not mandatory. 主片的顯式指定並不是強制的。
We make this designation using the page size parameter (ps). 我們使用頁面大小參數(ps)來實現這項設計。
Should there be a designation called User Experience designer? 應該有用戶體驗設計者這個職業嗎?
One of the N-Triples in Listing 8 includes a data type designation. 清單8中的一個N - Triples包含數據類型指定。
The Buffalos designation as a protected river was his worst nightmare. 布法羅河被定為保護河流成為了他最糟糕的噩夢。
CIFA’s designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA. CIFA作為法律執行機構的定位並未轉移到國家情報局。
As with many of the standard features, this comes with its own JSR208 designation. 許多標準功能都伴隨著它自己的SR 208指定。
Or is there something more they need to do in order to garner that designation? 還是他們需要做的更多來達到標準?
One of the requirements of the Unesco designation is a wet market, and Chengdu has several. 聯合國教科文組織對“美食之都”的要求之一是擁有一個鮮活家禽市場,而在成都這樣的市場不止一個。
Consult the NOAA documentation to find the radar designation and appropriate URLs for your area. 請查閱NOAA文檔以查找適用於您所在地區的雷達名稱和相應的URL。
Another type of section, known by the BSS designation, contains blocks started by symbol data. 另一種類型的段,稱為bss段,它包含以符號數據開頭的塊。
Note: If a web site feature exclusively Flash and HTML5 games, it got a Web-Based designation. 注意:如果一個站點的遊戲特性是Flash和HTML5,那么我們會將它標記為“基於網路的”。
WHO supports the designation, the implementation, the monitoring and the leadership of actions. 世衛組織支持制定、實施、監測和領導各種行動。
He now has the inauspicious designation of being a part of the Cavs' worst two losses of the season. 他現在有一種不祥的感覺因為他參與了騎士隊這個賽季兩場最慘痛的失利。
A complete MK designation includes both spectral type and luminosity class -for instance, the sun is a G2V. 一個完整的MK系統代號包含光譜類型和光度型兩部分——例如,太陽屬於G 2 V類恆星。
Mitsubishi has released its first electric car series under the rather uninspiring model designation i-MiEV. 儘管i -MiEV模型設計沒什麼特別之處,三菱還是推出了它的首批電動車系列。
The most common designation for the field of programs designed for these tasks is computer algebraic systems (CAS). 為這些任務而設計的程式領域的最常用名稱是“計算機代數系統”(Computer Algebraic Systems,CAS)。
This designation was a blessing in those years as it helped fight proposals for a freeway across the heart of the area. 這個名稱在那個時期是一種幸事,它幫助阻止了一項旨在建立一條從城區心臟地帶穿過的快車道的建議。
Why It's Bad: Imported shrimp actually holds the designation of being the dirtiest of all the seafood we looked at. 它有害的理由:實際上,進口蝦類就是我們見過的最骯髒的海鮮食品的代稱。
Design debt can be set apart, by tagging it with a "design-debt" designation, or by using a distinct work item type. 設計債可以通過標記“設計債”,或者使用不同的工作項類型,來進行分開處理。
A number of military operators use the civilian version of the Hercules, which bears the Lockheed designation L-100. 許多軍事運營商使用的版本就是洛克希德公司設計的L- 100飛機。
The designation of buffer pool sizes is dependent upon the amount of storage (both central and expanded) that is available. 緩衝池大小的指定要取決於可用存儲(包括中央存儲和擴展存儲)的容量。