
《Deewane》是由Harry Baweja執導的電影,由阿賈耶·德烏乾烏爾米拉·馬東卡瑪希瑪·夏瑞主演。


  • 外文名:Deewane
  • 導演:Harry Baweja
  • 主演:阿賈耶·德烏乾、烏爾米拉·馬東卡、瑪希瑪·夏瑞
  • 上映時間:2000年8月11日


Vishal (Ajay Devgan) is a hard-working, diligent, and honest plain-clothes police officer in Bombay, India. He lives with his mom (Reema Lagoo) and sister (Usha Bachani). He is in love with Sapna (Urmilla Matondkar). Sapna lives with her family, mom Dhanwanti (Padmini Kapila), dad (Tiku Talsania), and a sister, Neemo (Neha P.). Sapna also loves Vishal, but frequently gets upset with him when he finds no time for her during to his police duties. One day during an encounter, Vishal is critically injured and lapses into a deep coma. In order to prevent the criminal elements to think that they have an upper hand, the Commissioner of Police recruits a con man, Arun (Ajay Devgan), a look-alike of Vishal, and his girlfriend, Pooja (Mahima Choudhary), to take over vishal's place. No one in Vishal's family, nor in Sapna's family is aware of this switch. Arun has not only to fool everyone, but also has to be credible. He is enchanted by Sapna and starts falling in love with her. He is different from Vishal, and is very attentive to Sapna. Sapna appreciates this change in the person she thinks is Vishal, and loves him all the more. Then Vishal's condition improves, and he is ready to leave the hospital and resume his duties and his persona life. But will Arun let go the easy life and the lovely Sapna. And how will Sapna feel when she finds out that her feelings were being played with? Will the criminal elements, including Vishal's own family members, let him re-enter their lives?
Vishal(Ajay Devgan)是印度孟買一名勤奮、勤勉、誠實的便衣警官。他和他的媽媽(Reema Lagoo)和妹妹(Usha Bachani)住在一起。他愛上了薩普娜(厄米拉·馬通卡)。薩普娜和她的家人生活在一起,他們分別是媽媽丹蘭蒂(Padmini Kapila)、爸爸蒂庫·塔爾薩尼亞(Tiku Talsania)和妹妹尼莫(Neha P.)。薩普娜也很愛維沙,但當他在執行警察任務期間找不到時間陪她時,他經常對維沙感到不安。在一次遭遇中的一天,維沙嚴重受傷,陷入深度昏迷。為了防止犯罪分子認為他們占了上風,警察局長招募了一名騙子Arun(Ajay Devgan)和他的女朋友Pooja(Mahima Choudhary),接替Vishal的位置。Vishal的家人和Sapna的家人都不知道這一轉變。阿倫不僅要愚弄所有人,還必須可信。他被薩普娜迷住了,開始愛上她。他不同於維薩爾,對薩普納非常關注。薩普娜欣賞這個她認為是維沙的人的變化,並且更加愛他。然後,維沙的病情好轉,他準備離開醫院,恢復他的職責和人格生活。但阿倫會放棄輕鬆的生活和可愛的薩普納。當薩普娜發現自己的感情被玩弄時,她會有什麼感覺?犯罪分子,包括Vishal自己的家人,會讓他重新進入他們的生活嗎?




Harry Baweja


