- 中文名:舞動我心
- 外文名:Dancin' Away With My Heart
- 創作:Lady Antebellum 戰前女神
- 所屬專輯:《Own the Night》 《午夜情深》
Lady Antebellum (戰前女神,懷舊女郎)鄉村樂團於2006年在美國田納西州納什維爾成立。由Charles Kelley(領隊,主唱) Dave Haywood(吉他手,鋼琴演奏等)和 HillaryScott(主唱)組成。
Lady Antebellum

第53屆格萊美音樂獎的頒獎盛典上,Lady Antebellum 一共拿到了包括年度最佳單曲、年度最佳製作、最佳鄉村專輯、最佳鄉村組合、最佳鄉村歌曲在內的共五個獎項,成為當屆格萊美音樂獎獲獎最多的音樂人。
2011年5月,Lady Antebellum發布了自己的全新單曲《Just a kiss》,首周便空降美國Billboard榜的第7名。9月,新專輯《Own the Night》在全球同步發行。
I finally asked you to dance on the last slow song
Beneath that moon that was really a disco ball
I can still feel my head on your shoulder
And hoping that song would never be over
I haven't seen you in ages
Sometimes I find myself wondering where you are
For me you'll always be 18
And beautiful and dancin' away with my heart
I brushed the curls back so I could see your eyes
And the way you moved me was like you were reading my mind
I can still feel you lean into kiss me
I can't help but wonder if you ever miss me
I haven't seen you in ages
Sometimes I find myself wondering where you are
For me you'll always be 18
And beautiful and dancin' away with my heart
You headed off to college at the end of that summer and we lost touch
I guess I didn't realize even at that moment we lost so much
I haven't seen you in ages
Sometimes I find myself wondering where you are