Cry for Life

Cry for Life

《Cry for Life》是中譯出版社出版的圖書,作者是張雅文


  • ISBN:9781908647504
  • 作者:張雅文
  • 出版社:中譯出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年4月
  • 頁數:562
  • 定價:£12
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 原作品:生命的吶喊
  • 譯者:Saul Thompson
  • 叢書:From Inside China
Zhang Yawen was born and raised in grinding poverty in the extreme climate and isolation of rural Northeast China, an experience that imbued her with a fierce desire to survive and to make something of herself. She tells us of the hardships she endured to attend school as a girl living in the wilderness, the tragic stories of her sisters, and her struggle to lift herself out of...(展開全部) Zhang Yawen was born and raised in grinding poverty in the extreme climate and isolation of rural Northeast China, an experience that imbued her with a fierce desire to survive and to make something of herself. She tells us of the hardships she endured to attend school as a girl living in the wilderness, the tragic stories of her sisters, and her struggle to lift herself out of a lifetime of drudgery to become a professional writer and reporter. As a writer who came from one of the most disadvantaged corners of Chinese society, Zhang offers the reader a view of the world which has rarely been expressed in the English language. Her strength and grit can be felt in every page. 《生命的吶喊》真實記述了“中國阿信”張雅文震撼人心的奮鬥歷程。既是張雅文個體生命的吶喊,也是一個中國女性歷經磨難的性格史、忠貞不渝的情感史、自強不息的奮鬥史。中譯出版社(原中國對外翻譯出版有限公司)憑藉強大的翻譯團隊為這本書做出了英文的詮釋,賦予了此書新的生命。 張雅文:中國作家協會會員,中國報告文學學會會員,國家一級作家,中國作家協會黑龍江分會、黑龍江省作家協會副主席,國家政府津貼享受者。2015年其作品《蓋世太保槍口下的中國女人》成為國禮被習近平總書記贈與比利時國王。


