- 外文名:conqueror
- 詞性:名詞
- 1We shall never yield to a conqueror.我們絕不會向征服者屈服。
- 2The conqueror and the conquered.征服者和被征服者。
- 3We shall never yield to a conqueror.我們永遠不會向征服者低頭。
- 4No problem is too hard for the conqueror.征服者沒有難題。
- 5Napoleon denied being such a conqueror.拿破崙否認是這樣的征服者。
- 6We shall never surrender to a conqueror.我們決不向征服者投降。
- 7Conqueror bosses prey on employees' weaknesses.征服者狩獵員工的弱點。
- 8The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.被征服者只得向征服者稱臣納貢。
- 9It seems a victor; this dead body is a conqueror.它好象是勝利者,這死屍成了征服者。它領著它的軍團?
- 10The captives prostrated themselves before the conqueror.俘虜們俯伏在征服者面前。
- 11The conqueror governed his new subjects with an iron scepter.征服者以鐵腕統治其新臣民。
- 12Faith is the conqueror of man; it triumphs over man, and in man's heart.信心是人的征服者;它戰勝了人,又存在於人的心中。
- 13That suits the conqueror and gives him a clear image of what he has rejected.那非常適合征服者,因為這為他清楚地描繪了他所拒絕的生活。
- 14These days, the accepted rules on what a conqueror can grab are different.如今,對勝者應獲取什麼戰利品的公認原則有所不同。
- 15Confidence is the conqueror of people; It beat, and exists in the hearts of people.信心是人的征服者;它戰勝了人,又存在於人的心中。——馬·法·塔伯。
- 16Confidence eis the conqueror of people; It over, and exists in the heart of the horse.信心是人的征服者;它戰勝了人,又存在於人的心中馬。
- 17The conqueror is driven and competitive, but not necessarily competitive with other people.征服者很爭強好勝,但不一定是和別人爭。
- 18This is why you cannot base anything on me: nothing of the conqueror lasts, not even his doctrines.這就是為什麼你們不能以我為依靠的原因:‘征服者之物沒有永存之說,甚至他的信條也是如此。’
- 19To be more than conqueror is to take the spoils from the enemy and appropriate them to yourself.就是從仇敵那裡把掠物奪來,撥作己用。
- 20"No," says the conqueror, "don't assume that because I love action I have had to forget how to think."“不,”征服者說。“因為我喜歡行動就以為我已經忘記了如何思考。”
- 21By the time William the Conqueror arrived in England in 1066 the French had turned the Latin into beuf.到了1066年征服者威廉抵達英格蘭的時候,隨之而來的法語把這個拉丁語單詞變成了beuf。
- 22Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England.是威廉王朝的第40任君主。
- 23The Abbey was founded by a Norman monk who came over with William the Conqueror in 1066 and became a bishop.這個修道院是由一個諾曼教士建立起來的。他跟隨征服者威廉於1066年一同到來,並且成為了一個主教。
- 24The Domesday Book was a census, land and property survey carried out in England in 1086 for William the Conqueror.《末日審判書》是英格蘭人口、土地和財產的調查報告,於1086年完成。