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  • 外文名:Confirmation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn]美[ˌkɑːnfərˈmeɪʃn]




confirmation letter確認書 ; 確認信 ; 詢證信函 ; 確認信函
metrological confirmation計量確認
delivery confirmation確認傳送 ; 投遞證實 ; 送達確認 ; 投遞確認
sale confirmation銷售證明書 ; 銷售契約 ; 銷售確認書 ; 確認書
confirmation test證實試驗 ; 證實測驗 ; 證試驗 ; 對檢測結果的定性過程
confirmation order翻譯 ; 確認定貨英語
Tracking Confirmation追蹤確認
Packaging Confirmation討論包裝問題


  • 1She glanced over at James for confirmation.她瞟了詹姆斯一眼尋求確認。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2These times are provisional and subject to confirmation.這些期限是暫定的,還有待確認。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They took her resignation as confirmation of their suspicions.他們認為她的辭職證實了他們的猜疑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Did you get a confirmation message?你收到確認信息了嗎?
  • 5Smith, I'll send you confirmation of the arrangements by the end of this week.史密斯先生,我會在本周末把確認後的相關安排發給你。
  • 6If everyone around you has similar views, your work will suffer from confirmation bias.如果你周圍的人都有相似的觀點,你的工作就會受到證實偏見的影響。
  • 7Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed.重複和確認人們已經熟知和確信的事情是沒有意義的。
  • 8Confirmation occurs when others treat you in a manner consistent with who you believe you are.當別人對你的態度和你對自己的看法一致時,你就得到了證實。
  • 9They noted that only one lab did the dating for Chauvet, without independent confirmation from any other lab.他們指出,只有一個實驗室在沒有得到其他實驗室獨立確認的情況下為夏維特進行了年代測定。
  • 10Global Exchange Education Center usually sends out an email confirmation for the booking within 2–5 working days.全球交流教育中心通常會在2–5個工作日內發出郵件確認預訂。
  • 11The confirmation researchers had been seeking was finally achieved in studies involving two varieties of warblers.在對兩種鶯的研究中,研究人員一直在尋找的證據最終得到了證實。
  • 12It helps, of course, if your degrees can act as confirmation of the skills you're trying to sell, but clearly if you have developed a verifiable skill in a hot area, you'll find work.當然,如果你的學位能證明你極力推銷的技能,這很有幫助,但顯然如果你已經在熱門領域掌握了一項可驗證的技能,你就能找到工作。
  • 13I'm still waiting for confirmation of the test results.我仍在等待考試結果的通知書。《牛津詞典》
  • 14Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by the head office.旅行安排需經總公司確準。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15It was the day of confirmation.這是受堅信禮的日子。
  • 16Real-life communication itself constitutes a confirmation of honesty.現實生活中的交流本身就構成了對誠實的肯定。
  • 17Three types of feedback from others are indicative of how they see us: confirmation, rejection, and disconfirmation.來自他人的三種反饋反映了他們對於我們的看法:認可、拒絕和不認可。
  • 18That means knowing the basics behind your investments, insurance, estate planning and taxes, and then turning to other experts for confirmation.那意味著了解你的投資、保險、房地產規劃和稅收背後的基本情況,然後求助其他專家予以證實。
  • 19You'll see a confirmation page.您將看到確認頁。
  • 20Send a confirmation letter.傳送確認函。
  • 21System returns a confirmation number.系統返回確認數量。
  • 22Visual confirmation of server status.伺服器狀態得到可視確認。
  • 23We appreciate your early confirmation.請早日確認,我們不勝感激。
  • 24This week you finally have confirmation.這一周你最終確認了這點。
  • 25Click OK on the confirmation dialog.在確定對話框中點擊OK。
  • 26Click OK again on the confirmation screen.在確認螢幕上再次單擊ok。
  • 27I'll email you a confirmation immediately.我馬上給您發一封確認信。
  • 28Further diagnostic confirmation is pending.正在等待進一步診斷確認。
  • 29Obtain specimens for laboratory confirmation.獲得標本進行實驗室確認。
  • 30Maybe that was the confirmation he needed.也許這就是他所需要的一場洗禮。


