Computational Molecular Evolution

Computational Molecular Evolution

《Computational Molecular Evolution》是2006年Oxford University Press出版的圖書,作者是Ziheng Yang。


  • 中文名:Computational Molecular Evolution
  • 作者:Ziheng Yang
  • 出版社:Oxford University Press
  • 出版時間:2006年11月30日
  • 頁數:376 頁
  • 定價:150.00 美元
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
  • ISBN:9780198566991


The field of molecular evolution has experienced explosive growth in recent years due to the rapid accumulation of genetic sequence data, continuous improvements to computer hardware and software, and the development of sophisticated analytical methods. The increasing availability of large genomic data sets requires powerful statistical methods to analyse and interpret them, generating both computational and conceptual challenges for the field. Computational Molecular Evolution provides an up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of modern statistical and computational methods used in molecular evolutionary analysis, such as maximum likelihood and Bayesian statistics. Yang describes the models, methods and algorithms that are most useful for analysing the ever-increasing supply of molecular sequence data, with a view to furthering our understanding of the evolution of genes and genomes. The book emphasizes essential concepts rather than mathematical proofs. It includes detailed derivations and implementation details, as well as numerous illustrations, worked examples, and exercises.It will be of relevance and use to students and professional researchers (both empiricists and theoreticians) in the fields of molecular phylogenetics, evolutionary biology, population genetics, mathematics, statistics and computer science. Biologists who have used phylogenetic software programs to analyze their own data will find the book particularly rewarding, although it should appeal to anyone seeking an authoritative overview of this exciting area of computational biology.


楊子恆,1964年生於甘肅通渭,1984年畢業於甘肅農業大學,1992年獲北京農業大學博士學位。曾在甘肅農業大學和北京農業大學畜牧系工作以及英美等國從事博士後研究。1997年起在倫敦大學學院(University College London)生物系任教(1997-2000年任講師,2000-72001年任副教授,2001年後任教授),2006年當選為英國皇家學會院士(Fellow of the Royal Society)。
作為國際知名的統計進化生物學家,楊子恆博士一直致力於發展新的最大似然模型及電腦程式(PAML),1993年起在國際學術刊物發表論文100餘篇;學術兼職包括Genetics、MoIecular Biology and Evolution、Journal of Molecular Evolution和Systematic Biology等刊物副主編。
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