



  • 外文名:compose
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 類別:英語單詞
  • 單詞發音:英[kəmˈpəʊz],美[kəmˈpoʊz]




compose buffer 撰寫緩衝區 ; 編制緩衝區
Compose mail 寫郵件 ; 撰寫郵件
Network Compose 網路的組成
compose e 創作 ; 使震驚 ; 使平靜 ; 由…組成
Compose Training 合成圖片教程專區
breakpoint compose 斷點組合
compose- 組合


  • 1Ten men compose the committee.委員會由十人組成。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells.蛋白質分子構成了活細胞所有複雜的工作部件。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3We can say that the properties of an ecosystem are more stable than the individual organisms that compose the ecosystem.可以說,生態系統的特性要比組成生態系統的單個生物體性質更加穩定。
  • 4He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.他立刻開始給安娜寫回信。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.埃瑪皺起了眉頭,努力使自己鎮定下來。《牛津詞典》
  • 6I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.我心煩意亂,難以鎮定思緒。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Christians compose around 2.5% of the country's population.基督教徒大約占這個國家人口的2.5%。《牛津詞典》
  • 8Most software programs allow you to compose e-mails offline.大部分軟體程式允許在脫機狀態下寫郵件。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Even our youngest students can compose comments on a blog.甚至連我們最年輕的學生也能在部落格上發表評論。
  • 10His method was to organize small ensembles of four or five saxophones and a clarinet and have the students compose some of the music themselves.他的方法是組建一個只有四、五件薩克斯管和一件單簧管的小樂隊,並讓學生自已譜一些曲。
  • 11The scene moved him to compose a poem.他即景生情,賦詩一首。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12Compose a Mission Statement.撰寫一篇任務報告。
  • 13Compose as strongly as you can.構圖儘可能地強。
  • 14Step 4: Compose a request message.步驟4:編寫請求訊息。
  • 15Mail compose page - attachment portion.撰寫郵件頁——附屬檔案部分。
  • 16Multiple UI controls can compose a panel.多個UI控制項可以組成一個面板。
  • 17Rose: Can you compose music on the computer?柔絲:你可以在電腦上作曲嗎?
  • 18Compose SOAP Request for each input row.為每個輸入行組合SOAP請求。
  • 19How do I compose sets of services into new solutions?如何將服務集組合為新解決方案?
  • 20Now you can take a picture and compose it in a new way.以後就可以用全新的方式拍攝和編輯照片。
  • 21England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾斯組成大不列顛島國。
  • 22You can then compose a number of handlers in handler lists.您可以在處理程式清單中放置大量的處理程式。
  • 23Compose a dashboard based on combinations of widgets from step 2.根據步驟2的小部件組合構建一個儀錶板。
  • 24We've seen how to compose several services into a single one.我們已經了解了如何將幾個服務組裝成一個服務。
  • 25How many venues does the Guangzhou University City Sports Center compose?廣州大學城體育中心由幾個體育館組成?
  • 26This allows you to compose and send messages from within the browser.所以收發郵件的工作都可以在瀏覽器完成了。
  • 27Figure 1 shows how the first three elements compose the core requirements.圖1展示了開頭的三個元素如何組成核心需求。
  • 28These latter components compose the main bulk of the underlying price tag.後面的這幾個成分組成了基礎價格的主要部分。
  • 29So we compose the "routing" brick with "pipe" and "transformation" bricks.這樣,我們就將“路由”單元和“管道”單元與“轉換”單元組裝在了一起。


