Cold mailman

Cold mailman

Cold mailman,一隻來自挪威的獨立流行樂隊。樂隊由Ivar Bowitz(吉他手兼主唱)創建,主要成員均來自博得,現居奧斯陸。


  • 外文名:Cold mailman
  • 組合成員:Martin Bowitz、Mark Hansen、Catharina Sletner、Torbjørn Hafnor、Martin Smådal Larsen、Ingeborg Selnes、Silje Halstensen
  • 代表作品:How To Escape Cause and Effect


Cold Mailman是一隻來自挪威的獨立流行樂隊。樂隊由Ivar Bowitz(吉他手兼主唱)創建,主要成員均來自博得,現居奧斯陸。
經過小批量自產CD-R的時代後,Cold Mailman 2008年5月5日發行了他們的首張專輯《How To Escape Cause and Effect》,之後在2010年4月12日發行了收錄在《Relax, the Mountain Will Come to You》中的Pull Yourself Together and Fall In Love With Me
2010年10月4日,專輯《Relax, the Mountain Will Come to You》發行,並且銷量可觀。


Martin Bowitz-貝斯
Mark Hansen-鼓手
Torbjørn Hafnor-吉他
Catharina Sletner-風琴合成兼主唱
Martin Smådal Larsen-吉他(交替)
Ingeborg Selnes,Silje Halstensen-鋼琴兼和聲


Pull yourself together and fall in love with me
christian ballerina come fly away with me
fly me to the moon, let me down and leave me be
now i don't mean to burden you with my uncertainty
but halfway or the highway is the only way, you see
listen to yourself and your ambiguity
the way you talk it sounds just like i'm on bended knee
now i know i'm a good girl and i know that you agree
so pull yourself together now and fall in love with me
just because my head's stuck in 2002
doesn't mean i don't wish i'd fall in love with you
and just because i'm nowhere near prepared to say ‘i do’
doesn't mean that all the things i've told you aren't true
if you're on a quest for divine security
i suggest that you bow down to the referee
now i know i'm a good girl and i know that you agree
so pull yourself together now and fall in love with me
pull yourself together and fall in love with me
Time is of the essence
building a time machine
is easy when you are alone
but sad as it may have been
it got you a dinosaur bone
I'm lee ranaldo and i'm thurston moore
I am the stranger that lurks at you door
and I guarantee that wherever we go
I've been there before
touring the riot scene
to see just how far you've been thrown
but as long as your grass is green
it may just turn you into stone
I'm lee ranaldo and I'm thurston moore
I am the stranger that lurks at you door
and I guarantee that wherever we go
I've been there before
hide and seek
kill the freak
with a tear on your cheek
and a smile on your face
fall from grace
into place
spending your days
longing to play...


