CliffsQuickReview Astronomy

CliffsQuickReview Astronomy

《CliffsQuickReview Astronomy》是2000年John Wiley & Sons Inc出版的圖書,作者是Peterson, Charles J.。


  • 書名:CliffsQuickReview Astronomy
  • 作者: Peterson, Charles J.
  • 出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
  • 出版時間:2000年9月
  • 頁數:278 頁
  • ISBN:9780764585647
CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions. From planets, stars, and galaxies to the search for extraterrestrial life, CliffsQuickReview Astronomy gives you jargon-free explanations of the fundamentals — including all the latest discoveries and theories. This guide introduces each topic, defines key terms, and carefully walks you through each sample problem step-by-step. In no time, you'll be ready to tackle the key concepts in this book such as The history and science of astronomy Origin and evolution of the solar system Hertzprung-Russel diagram Final end states of stars Types of galaxies and their classification In plain words and useful formats, CliffsQuickReview Astronomy provides an overview of the universe and every known type of object that exits within it, so that you can use your study time efficiently. Use this reference in any way that fits your personal style for study and review — you decide what works best with your needs. With titles available for all the most popular high school and college courses, CliffsQuickReview guides are a comprehensive resource that can help you get the best possible grades.

